

Weeks after reaching a settlement, Samsung issued an apology over factory conditions leading to the illness and death of workers. “We offer our sincere apology to our workers who have suffered with illnesses and their families,” executive Kinam Kim said during a press conference late last week.

The apology is the result of longstanding health complaints levied against the company’s LCD and chip manufacturing lines, resulting in dozens of employees suffering illnesses including brain tumors and leukemia, according to The Associated Press.

An advocacy group had been fighting on behalf of workers after the 2007 death of one employee from leukemia. In addition to the public apology, Samsung will pay up to ~$133,000 per employee, for illness contracted from working conditions, including miscarriages and cancers in workers’ children.

In its apology, Samsung called previous efforts “insufficient,” promising improve working conditions going forward. The electronics giant has promised to issue compensation for workers by 2028.

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A senior Saudi prince cast doubt on the reported CIA finding that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul last month, saying the agency could not be counted on to reach a credible conclusion.

“The CIA is not necessarily the highest standard of veracity or accuracy in assessing situations. The examples of that are multitude,” Prince Turki al-Faisal, a senior member of the royal family, told journalists in Abu Dhabi on Saturday.

The prince, a former Saudi intelligence chief who has also served as ambassador to the United States, said the agency’s conclusion that Iraq possessed chemical weapons before the US invasion in 2003 showed it could be unreliable.

“That was the most glaring of inaccurate and wrong assessments, which led to a full-scale war with thousands being killed,” he said, speaking at an event hosted by the Beirut Institute think tank.

“I don’t see why the CIA is not on trial in the United States. This is my answer to their assessment of who is guilty and who is not and who did what in the consulate in Istanbul.”

The CIA has concluded that Prince Mohammed ordered the operation to kill Khashoggi, as first reported by the Washington Post, and briefed other parts of the US government on its findings, sources told Reuters news agency last week.

US President Donald Trump has disputed that the agency reached a conclusion on the murder, saying instead “they have feelings certain ways”.

A Turkish newspaper also reported on Thursday that CIA Director Gina Haspel signalled to Turkish officials that the agency had a recording of a call in which the crown prince gave instructions to “silence” the journalist.

Khashoggi was killed at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on October 2 in an operation that Turkish authorities have said was ordered by the highest level of Saudi leadership, prompting the kingdom’s biggest political crisis in a generation.

After offering numerous contradictory explanations, Riyadh said Khashoggi was killed and his body dismembered after negotiations to persuade him to return to Saudi Arabia failed.

The kingdom’s public prosecutor is seeking the death penalty for five suspects charged in the murder, but has said Prince Mohammed had no prior knowledge of the operation.

Prince Turki told the Associated Press news agency the killing of Khashoggi was “an unacceptable incident that tars and mars the long record of Saudi Arabia’s own standing in the world”.

“We will have to bear that. It’s not something that should not be faced. And we do face it,” he said.

Dealing with Saudi Arabia

Prince Mohammed embarked late on Thursday on his first foreign tour since the killing with a visit to the United Arab Emirates. He is expected to visit Bahrain and Tunisia before going to Buenos Aires on November 30 for the start of the two-day G-20 summit, where he’ll come face to face with world leaders.

Trump and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has kept international pressure mounting on the kingdom, are among those expected to attend.

“Whether the leaders in that summit will warmly engage with the crown prince or not, I think all of them recognise that the kingdom as a country and King Salman and the crown prince are people that they have to deal with,” the prince said.

He said Saudi Arabia will continue to play a role on the world stage and that Trump’s statement of support for Saudi Arabia recognises the importance of the kingdom.

“I thought President Trump was expressing what he felt was in the interest of the United States. He emphasised the strategic relationship between the two countries in the same statement and how Saudi Arabia has been helpful in many instances — not just oil,” Prince Turki said.

The prince, who led Saudi intelligence for more than two decades and served as ambassador to the US and Britain, worked closely for years with Khashoggi before the writer became an outspoken government critic.

Khashoggi worked under Prince Turki as a spokesperson for the Saudi Embassy in London and later in Washington, DC.

The prince’s father is the late King Faisal and his brother is Prince Khalid al-Faisal, the governor of Mecca.

Prince Turki said that reports of discontent within the ruling Al Saud family over the crown prince’s rapid rise to power do not reflect the “extraordinary support” that King Salman and his son, the crown prince, enjoy.

“I see no signs of such disquiet or uncertainty vis-a-vis the king and the crown prince,” he said.

Al Jazeera and news agencies

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There was no shortage of smiles and cheers as Felix Tshisekedi and Vital Kamerhe on Friday made their way into a room packed with cameras in Nairobi.

But as soon the two Congolese opposition stalwarts took to the microphone to announce their decision to join forces in the country’s long-delayed December 23 presidential election, the jubilation could also be felt far beyond the Kenyan capital.

The news prompted scenes of joy in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) thousands of kilometres away, where the politicians’ supporters took to the streets to celebrate the freshly-formed partnership.

The sight was in stark contrast with what unfolded some two weeks ago, when Tshisekedi’s supporters had again poured to the streets – this time, to denounce their leader’s decision to throw his support behind member of parliament Martin Fayulu after high-level opposition talks in Switzerland.

Barely 24 hours after those protests, both Tshisekedi and Kamerhe withdrew their signature from the agreement in Geneva, shattering a rare moment of unity for the DRC’s traditionally fractured opposition. 

Their teaming up now is expected to not only have decisive implications for the candidacy of Fayulu – who is still backed by several opposition heavyweights – but also that of Emmanuel Ramazani Shadary, the anointed successor of long-time incumbent President Joseph Kabila.

According to an opinion poll published by the US-based Congo Research Group last month, Tshisekedi is the most popular candidate by a distance (36 percent), trailed by Kamerhe in second place (17 percent). Shadary follows with 16 percent, while Fayulu is forecast to win eight percent.

As election season heats up, amid warnings over a “hostile political environment” and analysts’ reservations about the prospect of a free and fair vote, we take a look at the leading candidates in the race to succeed Kabila.

Felix Tshisekedi

Tshisekedi, the son of late veteran opposition politician Etienne Tshisekedi, has promised to restore the rule of law and fight the “gangrene” of corruption in the resource-rich DRC.

He has also pledged to end long-running conflicts in the country’s eastern North and South Kivu provinces, which – combined – border Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi, and are home to more than 100 active armed groups, according to Human Rights Watch.

Tshisekedi (right) and Kamerhe (left) have promised to crackdown on corruption [Baz Ratner/Reuters]

If Tshisekedi tops the DRC’s first-past-the-post vote, he appears likely to take a hard line on dealing with Kabila’s divisive legacy.

Last year, he told the AFP news agency that he would set up a “truth and reconciliation commission” to call Kabila to account for his tenure, though would also allow him to remain in the country.

His opponents, however, argue he has inadequate experience having never held high office and would be ill-suited for dealing with the the country’s grinding poverty and several humanitarian crises.

For his part, campaign director Kamerhe – who is lined up to become prime minister in the case of Tshisekedi win, said on Friday’s press conference that the pair would “run Congo differently” and “break with bad governance”.

“We are not among those who say, ‘We come to power, it’s our turn to eat!” he told reporters.

Martin Fayulu

A former oil executive, Fayulu emerged as the somewhat surprise candidate of choice for the anti-Kabila front at the conclusion of the summit in Geneva on November 11.

DespiteTshisekedi and Kamerhe’s withdrawal, the remaining members of the alliance – including popular heavyweights Jean-Pierre Bemba and Moise Katumbi – have continued to back the 62-year-old’s bid for office.

They have also sought to broaden their support base by aligning with civil society groups and working with the country’s influential Catholic Church network.

Fayulu (pictured) is backed by several opposition politicians [Kenny Katombe/Reuters] 

Fayulu, a member of parliament with considerable grassroots support in Kinshasa, is known for his staunch opposition to the planned use of a new electronic voting system in this election, alleging it may be more vulnerable to vote-rigging than traditional pen and paper ballots.

Election officials have dismissed the criticism, saying the use of more than 100,000 South Korean-made touchscreen voting machines will cut down on election costs and the waiting period for results.

A fiery critic of Kabila, Fayulu has also routinely featured at the front of marches against the incumbent president. He has been arrested several times during opposition demonstrations in Kinshasa and elsewhere, once being struck in the head with a rubber bullet.

Kabila’s ruling coalition, however, appears unfazed by Fayulu’s challenge, with leading officials saying they are “not worried” following the announcement of his candidacy.

Emmanuel Ramazani Shadary

Shadary is a long-term Kabila ally and a central part of the ruling Common Front for Congo (FCC) coalition apparatus.

The 57-year-old has held several roles in the People’s Party for Reconstruction and Democracy (PPRD), a party he cofounded with Kabila and which heads the FCC.

As interior minister, a position he held from January 2017 until February of this year, he oversaw several violent crackdowns on anti-government protesters riled by Kabila’s refused to step down from office when his second and final constitutional term officially expired in December 2016.

The European Union sanctioned him for his role in the repression of the protests, during which security forces killed scores of anti-government demonstrators, and accused him of being involved in “planning, directing, or committing acts that constitute serious human rights violations in DRC”.

Shadary (pictured) was sanctioned by the EU for his role in repressing anti-government protests [Kenny Katombe/Reuters]

Shadary has vowed to reinforce the authority of the state and diversify the economy, as well as create much-need jobs, tackle poverty and guarantee access to public services.

He remains a largely unknown figure in the vast expanse of the DRC with meagre financial means and no substantial independent base of support.

Analysts have speculated his relative anonymity is being harnessed by Kabila, who they suggest is seeking to create a “new political class” and, crucially, one indebted to the long-term leader for his support.

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Taiwan headed to the polls on Saturday in local elections that are a key test of support for the island’s pro-independence ruling party ahead of presidential polls in just over a year.

The country also voted in a series of referendums, including votes the contentious issues of same-sex marriage and gay rights.

The results will be closely watched in China, which claims self-ruled and proudly democratic Taiwan as its own and which has ramped up pressure on President Tsai Ing-wen and her administration since taking office in 2016.

In the run-up to the election, Tsai and her government have repeatedly said China is attempting to sway election results with its “political bullying” and “fake news”, accusations Beijing denies.

“It’s nice weather today, I hope everyone votes,” Tsai told Taiwan media as she cast her vote in the capital Taipei.

More than 11,000 seats are up for grabs in municipalities, counties, townships and villages, with the southern city of Kaohsiung a key battleground for the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which has held the city for two decades.

Taiwan television stations reported a high turnout, with some polling stations in parts of Taipei and Kaohsiung remaining open past 08:00GMT when the polls were supposed to close.

Candidates have fanned out across the island to press the flesh and canvass votes, and have held noisy, colourful rallies that have become the hallmarks of Taiwan’s vibrant democracy, in marked contrast to China where the Communist Party tolerates no dissent to its rule.

Tensions across the Taiwan Strait have heightened with China conducting military drills around the island and snatching away Taiwan’s dwindling number of diplomatic allies.

Tsai’s domestic reform initiatives, from the island’s pension scheme to labour law, have also come under intense voter scrutiny recently.

Confidence in the government has waned in recent months after reform moves upset both the opposition and some supporters, who said Tsai had backed away from promises to reduce the deficit and cut pollution.

Underscoring Tsai’s challenge will be a series of public votes on Saturday on whether to make same-sex marriage legal, an issue which has deeply divided Taiwan.

“This is a small step for myself, but a big step for mankind,” Chi Chia-wei, a veteran gay rights activist who had petitioned Taiwan’s constitutional court to take up the issue, told Reuters after he voted.

Tsai has made little progress despite campaigning on a promise of marriage equality in the run-up to elections in 2016.

In Asia’s first such ruling, Taiwan’s constitutional court declared in May last year that same-sex couples had the right to legally marry, and set a two-year deadline for legalisation.

Voters will also be asked whether the island should join the 2020 Tokyo Olympics as Taiwan, rather than “Chinese Taipei” – the name agreed under a compromise signed in 1981.

A vote to compete under a Taiwan banner would further rile Beijing, which has never renounced the use of force to bring the island under its control.

Results for the mayoral and local elections are expected to be released on Saturday, while the referendum votes may not come out until Sunday, according to election officials.

Taiwan: Spies, Lies and Cross-straits Ties | People and Power

Reuters news agency

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Next time you find yourself with your hands full and you want to make a call on your iPhone – or even if you’re in bed and your phone’s just out of reach – don’t forget that you can get Siri to start a speakerphone call for you, handsfree.

All you need to do beforehand is make sure that your iPhone is set up to listen for the “Hey Siri” voice command. You can check this by following the steps below:

Enable the “Hey Siri” Command on Your iPhone

  1. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone.
  2. Tap Siri & Search in the list.

  3. At the top of the screen, check that the Listen for “Hey Siri” slider is toggled to the green ON position.

With that done, you don’t even have to pick up your iPhone to speak to someone on speakerphone. Simply say “Hey Siri, call [name] on speaker,” and you’ll be chatting in no time.

What if the person you want to call isn’t in your contacts list? No problem – just dictate the number to Siri instead: “Hey Siri, call [number] on speaker.”

Remember this quick tip the next time you want to make a call and you might just save yourself some bother.

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As it does every holiday season, Apple this week refreshed its iTunes Movies storefront with a selection of notable discounts, and the new sales are expected to stick around through Black Friday and Cyber Monday before the iTunes Movies store is updated again next Tuesday. There are a number of great movies to watch with your family over the holiday weekend, so check out some of the films in the lists below.

4K – Under $10

One of the biggest sales on iTunes this Black Friday is for 4K HDR films that are all under $10 for a limited time. This list exceeds 150 movies and includes tons of different genres and franchises.

Holiday Movies – Under $10

Movie Bundles – $9.99

Along with individual movie discounts, iTunes has a massive collection of film bundles for just $9.99 each.

Action and Adventure


Disney Movies – Under $15

Apple has also knocked down the prices of a few newly released Disney films — and two classics — to $14.99 and below.

We’re tracking all of the latest sales and bargains in our full Black Friday Roundup, so be sure to check it out as you shop online today.

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French President Emmanuel Macron has agreed to return “without delay” 26 African artworks claimed by Benin, according to the president’s office.

The decision on Friday came shortly after Macron received a report detailing how former colonisers can return looted artworks to Africa.

Governments from Ethiopia to Senegal eagerly awaited the report, commissioned by Macron and complied by French art historian, Benedicte Savoy, and Senegalese economist Felwine Sarr. 

It recommends that the thousands of items in French museums taken without consent during the colonial period be returned to the continent.

Unless it can be proven that the objects were obtained legitimately, they should be returned to Africa permanently, the report’s authors say.

Savoy and Starr also recommend changing the French law to allow the restitution of cultural works to Africa, after Macron announced that he wanted the process to begin within five years. 

French law currently forbids the government from ceding state property, regardless of how it was obtained. 

“I cannot accept that a large part of the cultural heritage of several African countries is in France,” Macron said during a visit to Burkina Faso last year. 

“There are historical explanations for this but there is no valid, lasting and unconditional justification. African heritage cannot be only in private collections and European museums – it must be showcased in Paris but also in Dakar, Lagos and Cotonou. This will be one of my priorities,” he said.

‘A new era of thought’

At the height of its colonial empire, France controlled large swathes of the African continent, removing art produced there for display in museums in the French capital, Paris, and elsewhere.

Objects that arrived in France went on to influence the work of major figures in European art, such as Spanish artist, Pablo Picasso, and Italian painter and sculptor, Amedeo Modigliani. 

According to the report, about 90 percent of African art is currently housed in museums and private collections outside the continent, including statues, thrones and manuscripts.

There are about 90,000 African artworks in French museums, most of them housed in Paris’ Quai Branly museum, which also boasts a large collection of Asian art.

The museum was established by former French President Jacques Chirac, an avid collector of African art.

The decision could up the pressure on other European governments to return looted artefacts [File: Philippe Wojazer/Reuters]

While the decision has been welcomed by officials in some African countries, European art dealers have expressed concerns that repatriation will leave some French museums nearly empty.

The dealers have also questioned who the objects should be returned to when many of the kingdoms and civilisations they were taken from no longer exist.

However, the head of Ethiopia’s Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage had said the report heralded “a new era of thought” in Europe’s relations with Africa, while Senegal’s culture minister Youssou Ndour said it was “entirely logical that Africans should get back their works”. 

Thorny diplomatic issue

France’s decision could up the pressure on other European governments and museums to return looted artefacts, which can become a diplomatic headache as well as a painful reminder of colonialism. 

According to the AFP news agency, approximately 180,000 African artworks are held in Belgium’s Royal Museum for Central Africa, while 37,000 more are in the Weltmuseum in Austria. 

The British Museum in London is also in talks to return artefacts, looted from the ancient Benin kingdom, to Nigeria, which now occupies the territory. 

This month, a Chilean delegation travelled to the United Kingdom to request the return of artefacts from two London museums.

The UKis also embroiled in a prolonged standoff with Greece over the Elgin Marbles, also known as the Parthenon Marbles, which were removed from Athens in the 1800s.

Museums frequently cite concerns over whether countries have a suitable place to display repatriated treasures, as well as the skills to maintain them.

However, in recent years, some European museums have returned a number of items to their countries of origin. 

In August, the British Museum repatriated a trove of 5,000-year old objects looted from an ancient site in  Iraq  shortly after the United States’ invasion in 2003.

France returned 20 mummified Maori heads to New Zealand in 2012, as part of a repatriation programme of the National Museum of New Zealand, which also secured the return of Maori objects from other countries.

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For this week’s giveaway, we’ve teamed up with Satechi to offer MacRumors readers a chance to win a USB-C Dual Charging Station that’s designed to charge the iPhone and the Apple Watch at the same time.

Available in Silver or Space Gray to match Apple’s devices, Satechi’s Dual Charging Station provides a total of 15W of power to charge an iPhone and an Apple Watch.

The Charging Station, priced at $64.99 normally but on sale for $38.99, features a slim, attractive design with a pedestal for each device, holding both the iPhone and the Apple Watch upright for easy viewing.

You’ll need to supply your own cables for the iPhone and Apple Watch, but the Charging Station includes built-in cable management features to wind up excess cable. It comes with a USB power adapter and a USB-C to USB-A cable.

Satechi has designed the charger with smart charging technology that will provide the proper amount of power to each of the two devices that are being charged. It works with all modern Apple devices that have Lightning connectors, along with the Series 1, 2, and 3 Apple Watch models.

We have five of the Dual Charging Stations to give away to MacRumors readers. To enter to win our giveaway, use the Rafflecopter widget below and enter an email address. Email addresses will be used solely for contact purposes to reach the winners and send the prizes. You can earn additional entries by subscribing to our weekly newsletter, subscribing to our YouTube channel, following us on Twitter, following us on Instagram, or visiting the MacRumors Facebook page.

Due to the complexities of international laws regarding giveaways, only U.S. residents who are 18 years or older and Canadian residents (excluding Quebec) who have reached the age of majority in their province or territory are eligible to enter. To offer feedback or get more information on the giveaway restrictions, please refer to our Site Feedback section, as that is where discussion of the rules will be redirected.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
The contest will run from today (November 23) at 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time through 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time on November 30. The winners will be chosen randomly on November 30 and will be contacted by email. The winners will have 48 hours to respond and provide a shipping address before new winners are chosen.

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Black Friday retail shopping is well underway across the country today, but those who prefer online shopping already know that many of the best deals can be bought without leaving your home, and some notable offers are available only online.

Note: MacRumors is an affiliate partner with some of these vendors. When you click a link and make a purchase, we may receive a small payment, which helps us keep the site running.

For that purpose we’ve created this post to round up all of the best online-only bargains this Black Friday, offered by well-known brands like Anker, Aukey, Incipio, Griffin, and many more.

Incipio, Griffin, and Incase

A trio of accessory companies — including Incipio, Griffin, and Incase — have notable online discounts for holiday shoppers this Black Friday. The deals began on Thanksgiving Day and will run through Cyber Monday on November 26 at 11:59 p.m. PT. The Incipio Group’s sales offer great discounts on cases, screen protectors, cables, and more for iPhone, iPad, and MacBook. We’ve detailed each company’s sale below:


You can save 40 percent off sitewide at Incipio, including all smartphone and tablet cases, like the latest cases for iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR.


Similar to Incipio, at Griffin you can take 40 percent off sitewide on Black Friday weekend and on Cyber Monday. Griffin’s sale offers a nice chance to save on battery packs, chargers, screen protectors, and device cases.


Incase has the best sitewide discount during Black Friday and Cyber Monday, offering its customers 50 percent off sitewide, although select exclusions will apply. Incase shoppers can get half off on travel bags, backpacks, and numerous Apple accessories, including Incase’s new cases for iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR.


We’ve partnered with leather tech accessory company Mujjo to offer MacRumors readers an exclusive sale: get 25 percent off sitewide from Thanksgiving Day, November 22 through Cyber Monday, November 26. To get access to the sale, enter the coupon code #macrumors during the checkout process. Mujjo offers a variety of accessories that will protect iPhone XS, XS Max, XR, iPad, MacBook, and more, so be sure to check the company out when the sale goes live.


Anker’s Black Friday deals this year include a collection of portable chargers, Bluetooth speakers, Lightning cables, wireless chargers, and more. Some of the sales last today only (as mentioned below), and the rest will last through Sunday, November 25.


RAVPower is offering the following accessories discounted on Black Friday and on Cyber Monday:


Apple accessory company Aukey is offering several Black Friday discounts on its range of products on Amazon, with the deals available through Monday, November 26.

Twelve South

Twelve South is offering discounts on nearly all of its iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch accessories, dropping prices on everything from the AirFly to iPhone and iPad cases and stands. Twelve South’s sale will end at 11:59 p.m. ET Friday night.

BookBooks for iPad Pro are available for 50% off, as are SurfacePads. There are also solid deals on Twelve South’s range of iPhone cases and its Apple Watch accessories, and the new PowerPic wireless charger.


New accessory company Nimble is jumping in on Black Friday deals this year, offering notable discounts on its lineup of portable battery packs and wireless chargers. Nimble will begin by offering 30 percent off featured items on its online storefront and 20 percent off everything else during the week of Thanksgiving.

For Black Friday, this means that shoppers can save 30 percent on all Wireless Chargers and Portable Chargers, and 20 percent off accessories today only. Next week, Nimble will feature the same style of sale, with two featured items marked down by 30 percent and the rest of the site down by 20 percent.


Creative computing company Kano has a few Black Friday sales this year, some of which will extend into Cyber Monday and beyond. Through Cyber Monday on November 26, Kano is offering $30 off the Pixel Kit, available for $49.99, down from $79.99. Pixel Kit teaches kids how to code through colorful lights, animations, and games that they can build using a connected app.

From November 23 through November 26, you can also get $50 off the Computer Kit, available for $99.99, down from $149.99. This kit allows kids to build their own computer and learn to code in the process.

Pad and Quill

Pad and Quill is providing up to 25 percent off sitewide through Monday, November 26 at midnight. You can stack this offer with a 10 percent off promo code “BF18” and get 35 percent off your order total.


Newegg‘s Black Friday sale runs through Saturday, November 24. The retailer is offering discounts on numerous computers, computer parts, gaming accessories, peripherals, and more. It will also match savings on Nest items seen at other retailers, with the Nest Learning Thermostat at $179.00 and Nest Indoor Cam at $129.00, both representing savings of $70.

In one of the only Black Friday discounts on Apple’s AirPods, Newegg has the wireless headphones for $139.99, down from $159.99, with the promo code BFAD155. As of writing, this deal is currently sold out.

Southern Straps Apple Watch Bands

Southern Straps is offering a free nylon band with the purchase of any two Apple Watch bands. The deal kicks off on November 15 and lasts through November 30.


CalDigit has kicked off its Autumn Sale, which runs from November 13 through December 3 and includes a few Black Friday discounts. The sale has numerous discounts on Thunderbolt Stations and external drives, and the standout offer nets you a free 2TB AVPro 2 when purchasing any T4 Thunderbolt 3 RAID.


Satechi‘s Black Friday deals are available from November 23 to November 25. The site is offering several MacBook and iMac bundle deals with discounts up to 35 percent.

Select Black Friday bundles from Satechi are listed below:

  • iMac Pro Bundle ($200, discounted from $333) – The bundle includes the not yet released iMac Stand (goes officially on sale in December), a Bluetooth Keyboard, Aluminum Mousepad, R1 Stand, R1 Laptop Stand, Lightning Charging Stand, Bluetooth Headphones, Slim Headphone Stand.
  • MacBook Pro Bundle ($200, discounted from $300) – Products include Satechi’s Type-C 75W Travel Charger, Type-C Pro Adapter with Ethernet, Bluetooth Keyboard, Aluminum Mousepad and the newest Type-C Wireless Charger.
  • Family Bundle ($99, discounted from $148) – The bundle includes the popular 7-Port USB Charging Station, Flexible 6-inch Lightning and Micro USB cables and the newest Satechi Type-C Wireless Charger.


BodyGuardz is offering 50 percent off sitewide, letting customers save on quality screen protectors for iPhone, iPad, and more.


Grovemade has 20 percent off all products from Black Friday through Cyber Monday. Grovemade is a company that offers iPhone cases, wireless chargers, desk accessories, and more.


Liquipel, a site that offers a spray-on screen protector option for the iPhone, is offering 20 percent off sitewide and offering free shipping on most products.


Casetify has three tiers of savings for Black Friday shoppers: 15 percent off orders over $35, 25 percent off orders over $75, and 30 percent off orders over $100.

To get these deals, use the promo code BF18P.


Smart sprinkler company Rachio is offering a $40 discount on all of its products on Black Friday and Cyber Monday.


Brydge is offering discounted prices on a number of its keyboards and accessories, with deals listed below.

  • Brydge 12.9 Series for 2015 and 2017 iPad Pro – $20 off
  • Brydge 10.5 Series for 10.5-inch iPad Pro – $30 off
  • Brydge 9.7 for 9.7-inch iPad Pro, 5th and 6th-generation iPad, and iPad Air/Air 2 – $10 off


For Black Friday, Koogeek is discounting two HomeKit-compatible accessories. First up is the Koogeek E26 Wi-Fi Smart LED Light Bulb for $15.99 with promo code MFJMEQ2A, down from $39.99. Secondly, shoppers will be able to get the Koogeek Door Window Sensor for $23.99 with promo code W56WOCN3, down from $35.81.

Luna Display

Luna Display is discounting its Luna Display adapter that’s designed to turn the iPad into a secondary display for a Mac by 20 percent. It can also be used to turn an iPad into a main display for a Mac mini.

Luna Display’s discount will be available from Friday, November 23 to Monday, November 26.

For even more Black Friday shopping, be sure to check out our full Black Friday Roundup before many of the sales expire later today.

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App Store and iTunes gift cards are perfect stocking stuffers and super simple for last-minute gift giving, so if you’re on the hunt for a few of the gift cards this Black Friday we’ve rounded up the best sales in this article.

Note: MacRumors is an affiliate partner with some of these vendors. When you click a link and make a purchase, we may receive a small payment, which helps us keep the site running.

Amazon and Costco offer the biggest discount on iTunes gift cards this Black Friday, providing rare 20 percent discounts on the cards today only. Like many of the sales in the list below, Amazon and Costco will send the iTunes gift card to you in an e-mail within a few hours of purchase. These 20 percent discounts on iTunes gift cards are rare, so if you’re interested check out the sales — and all of the others — in the list below:

  • Amazon – Get the $100 iTunes gift card for $80 (with code ITUNES20)
  • Costco – Get the $100 iTunes gift card for $79.49
  • Costco – Get the $25 iTunes gift card for $21.49
  • PayPal via eBay – Get the $100 iTunes gift card for $85
  • Target – Buy one get one 30 percent off
  • Best Buy – Get the $50 iTunes gift card for $40
  • Staples – Save 10 percent on select iTunes gift cards
  • Meijer – Get the $25 iTunes gift card for $21.25

If you decide to go with Target’s offer, opting for the higher $100 iTunes gift card will net you the biggest savings. As an example, BOGO 30 percent off deals (when purchasing two cards of the same amount) will break down like this:

– Buying two $15 iTunes Gift Cards = $25.50

– Buying two $25 iTunes Gift Card = $42.50

– Buying two $50 iTunes Gift Card = $85

– Buying two $100 iTunes Gift Card = $170

For more details on the latest Black Friday shopping updates, be sure to visit our full Black Friday Roundup.

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A bomb explosion has ripped through a busy marketplace in Kalaya town in Pakistan‘s northwest province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa killing at least 25 people, officials say.

Abbas Khan, the assistant commissioner of the district, told Reuters on Friday that a suicide bomber drove a motorcycle into a crowd attending a festival and market that attracts people from different religious communities, before detonating his explosives.

“It was a suicide blast at the festival that takes place every Friday,” Khan said, adding that among the 25 dead were three members of the minority Sikh community and two security officials.

Twenty-six of the wounded are being treated at a government hospital in the town of Kohat, about 50km east of the blast site, police official Nasrullah told Al Jazeera by telephone.

Earlier police officials said the deadly blast was caused by “an improvised explosive device hidden in a carton of vegetables” in this remote town in Orakzai district.

No group has claimed responsibility for the blast in Kalaya town, about 60km southwest of the provincial capital Peshawar, police officials told Al Jazeera.

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan and his minister for Human Rights, Shireen Mazari, condemned the deadly attack.

Mazari tweeted that the death toll could rise.

“As the US fails in Afghanistan, [Pakistan should] be prepared for [a] fallout and we must ensure greater security for our tribal areas especially protection of our [people],” she tweeted.

The area is a remote part of the Orakzai tribal district, which was recently merged with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, after being governed directly by Islamabad for decades.

The blast occurred around the same time as three attackers attempted to storm the Chinese consulate in the southern port city of Karachi in an unrelated incident in which two police officials were killed.

The Karachi attack was claimed by the Baloch Liberation Army separatist group.

Al Jazeera and news agencies

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Apple’s HomePod is now nine months old, and one of the best all-around deals this Black Friday is a $100 discount on the Siri-based smart speaker at Best Buy. With this sale, you can get the HomePod for $249.99, down from $349.99. Space Gray and White are both available, but Space Gray appears to be sold only in stores and White is available both in stores and online.

Note: MacRumors is an affiliate partner with Best Buy. When you click a link and make a purchase, we may receive a small payment, which helps us keep the site running.

Best Buy’s Black Friday sale represents the lowest-ever straight discount offered on HomePod, beating out regular $50 discounts at retailers like Costco and sales that dipped to around $280 for the speaker during eBay’s sitewide sales over the past few months. If you’ve been interested in HomePod but hesitant due to its price, definitely visit Best Buy and check out the sale before it expires on Saturday, November 24.

Best Buy is the only retailer offering a discount on a new HomePod this Black Friday. If you’re on the hunt for other AirPlay 2 speakers, check out our Black Friday Roundup for sales on Sonos One and more.

Update: If you have a Costco membership, they have the HomePod for $80 off in White and Space Gray

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President Donald Trump is threatening to close the US border with Mexico for an undisclosed period of time if his administration determines that its southern ally has lost “control” on its side.

The repeated threat, which came on Thanksgiving Day in the US, is in response to thousands of migrants and refugees who have arrived in the border town of Tijuana, many hoping to apply for asylum

“If we find that it’s uncontrollable,” Trump said, “we will close entry into the country for a period of time until we can get it under control. The whole border.” 

Thousands of Central Americans, fleeing violence, extreme poverty and political persecution, have made their way to the border over the past month as part of a caravan dubbed the Central American exodus. Thousands more are following behind

Caravans from the region are not rare, but this one is unusual for its size. Migrants and refugees often prefer to travel in groups to avoid the dangerous journey through Mexico to the border. 

According to Mexico’s Baja California state governor, more than 5,600 migrants and refugees have arrived in the Tijuana area in recent days and the stadium sheltering individuals is now over capacity.  

Migrants and refugees stand in line for a meal after arriving in Tijuana, Mexico [Jorge Duenes/Reuters]

Central Americans who are part of the collective exodus have shared harrowing stories of being forced to leave their homes due to threats or violence. Others, including those with or caring for individuals with disabilities or health conditions, are hoping to find work in the United States to be able to afford medical treatment

Since the initial collective exodus set off from Honduras in October, Trump has sought to sow fear in the US, often falsely labelling the group as an “invasion” and saying, without giving evidence, the caravan is full of “criminals”. 

Authority to use lethal force

The president also deployed thousands of troops to the border, and this week gave the US defence chief expanded powers to use the military to protect US Border Patrol agents. On Thursday, Trump confirmed that he gave troops the “ok” to use lethal force against migrants and refugees “if they have to”, even though there have been no signs of violence towards US authorities. 

US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is set to hold a “large-scale operational readiness exercise” at the San Ysidro port of entry in Tijuana on Thursday. 

A boy, part of a caravan of thousands travelling from Central America en route to the US, walks through a makeshift camp in Mexico City [Hannah McKay/Reuters]

The administration also implemented new asylum rules on the border, which were temporarily blocked by a US judge. 

Under the new rules, individuals crossing the border between official ports of entry would not be eligible for asylum. Rights groups call the rules a violation of US and international laws. 

On Monday, US District Judge John Tigar issued a temporary nationwide restraining order prohibiting the enforcement of the policy, saying “Whatever the scope of the president’s authority, he may not rewrite the immigration laws to impose a condition that Congress has expressly forbidden.”

Many of those who have arrived in Tijuana say they want to apply for asylum at an official port of entry. 

Frustrated with an expected months-long waiting period before they are permitted to request asylum in the US, a group of some 100 migrants and refugees walked together to the San Ysidro port of entry Thursday to request a solution.

Additional reporting from Sandra Cuffe in Tijuana, Mexico. 

Al Jazeera and news agencies

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As families celebrate Thanksgiving across the United States, we are now just a few hours from the official launch of Black Friday shopping, and many deals are becoming available as numerous retailers open their doors this afternoon. The big retail chains are all starting Black Friday early today, including Target, Best Buy, Walmart, Kohl’s, and Lowe’s, and many online-only deals are already available.

Note: MacRumors is an affiliate partner with some of these vendors. When you click a link and make a purchase, we may receive a small payment, which helps us keep the site running.

To help sort through the best deals, we’ve created this post to focus on Apple products and Apple related accessories. Throughout the day on Black Friday, keep an eye out for more deals posts that will highlight the best sales on smart home and HomeKit devices, audio accessories, and more. Of course, for the best all-around collection of Black Friday discounts, be sure to head over to our full Black Friday Roundup.


Walmart has the best offer for those interested in buying a new iPhone this year, gifting shoppers a $400 Walmart gift card when you buy the iPhone 8, 8 Plus, or X; and a $300 Walmart gift card when you buy the iPhone XS, XS Max, or XR. All iPhones must be purchased on qualifying AT&T Next, Sprint, or Verizon device payment plans, and this offer is valid in Walmart’s retail stores only.

Target is offering a $250 Target gift card with the purchase of an iPhone XS or iPhone XS Max on Verizon, Sprint, or AT&T with a qualified activation plan, which will require purchasing the device using a 24-month installment plan. Target is also offering a $150 Target gift card with the purchase of an iPhone 8 or iPhone 8 Plus on Verizon, Sprint, or AT&T with a qualified activation plan, which will require purchasing the device using a 24-month installment plan.

As in years past, if you prefer a straight cash discount, Best Buy will have $200 off iPhone X with qualified activation. The newer 2018 iPhone XS, XS Max, and XR will have savings of $150 with qualified activation.

Apple Watch

Apple Watch Series 4 is just a few months old so there aren’t many notable discounts this Black Friday on the new device, but Sprint does have one offer for Apple Watch Series 4. The carrier will discount Series 4 models by $100 when customers add a line onto a qualifying service plan. The discount will be received in the form of a $4.17/month credit over 24 months, and the same sale can also be applied to the Apple Watch Series 3.

Otherwise, Macy’s has the Apple Watch Series 3 for $80 off, representing an all-time-low price for the 2017 models.

Specifically, the 38mm GPS model is down to $199.00 and the 42mm GPS model is down to $229.00. Macy’s shoppers can also opt for the LTE models, with the 38mm GPS + Cellular model priced at $299.00, and the 42mm GPS + Cellular version running for $329.00.

Target has a similar deal, with the 38mm GPS models starting at $199.99 and 38mm GPS + Cellular models starting at $299.99, so Macy’s deal is slightly better.

2018 iPad Pro

Apple just refreshed its iPad Pro lineup in late October, so third-party retailers have few iPad Pro-related deals available this year.

There are, however, great deals to be had on older iPads, including the already affordable 6th-generation iPad that came out in March.

MacMall is offering discounts on two versions of the 2018 iPad Pro. The 64GB 11-inch model with LTE connectivity is available for $899, a $150 discount off of the regular $949 price tag.

The 2018 64GB WiFi-only 12.9-inch iPad Pro is available for $949 from MacMall, a $50 discount off of the regular $999 price tag.

Older iPad Pro

If you don’t mind an older model, Best Buy is discounting the previous-generation 2017 10.5-inch iPad Pro by up to $150.

The 64GB Wi-Fi only model is available for $524.99, down $125 from the original price of $649. Similar discounts will be available across the 10.5-inch iPad lineup at Best Buy.

Meijer customers can purchase the 64GB 10.5-inch iPad Pro for the regular price of $649.99 and get a $125 Meijer coupon for a future purchase. It’s not as good as Best Buy’s straight cash deal, but it’s better than paying full price.

6th-Generation 9.7-inch iPad

Target is selling the 2018 9.7-inch iPad for just $249.99, an $80 discount from the regular price of $329.99. It’s the entry-level 32GB model that’s available for the discounted price, and it’s an absolute steal with the high-end hardware inside and Apple Pencil (not Apple Pencil 2) support.

If you’d rather shop at Walmart, the company will have the 64GB WiFi-only 9.7-inch 6th-generation iPad available for $249, roughly the same price available from Target.

For Costco shoppers, Costco will also be selling the 6th-generation 64GB WiFi-only iPad for $249.99, down from the site’s regular pricing of $313.99.

If you want the higher-capacity 128GB model, Best Buy will have it for $329.99, a $100 discount off of the regular $429.99 price.

iPad Mini

The iPad mini 4 is still around if you prefer a tablet that’s on the smaller side, with the device measuring in at 7.9 inches.

Before purchasing an iPad mini, be aware that the device hasn’t been updated since 2015 and it’s not going to be as speedy as the 6th-generation 9.7-inch iPad that’s similar in price.

Target is selling the iPad mini 4 for $249.99, a $150 discount off of the regular $399 price.

2018 MacBook Air

You won’t find many discounts on the new MacBook Air that just launched earlier in the month, but B&H Photo does have the Space Gray 13-inch MacBook Air (1.6 GHz, 8GB RAM, 128GB HD) for $1,099.00, down from $1,199.00. This offer expires tonight at 11:59 p.m. ET.

MacMall has savings on the new MacBook Air, although they’re not quite as good as B&H Photo, offering $50 off the laptop in a few configurations. You can get the 13-inch MacBook Air (1.6GHz, 8GB RAM, 128GB SSD) for $1,149.00, down from $1,199.00; and an upgraded model (1.6GHz, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD) for $1,349.00, down from $1,399.00.

MacMall has both of these models in all three colors: Space Gray, Silver, and Gold. You can find these models and more on sale at MacMall right here.


In one of the few Black Friday discounts on Apple’s AirPods, Newegg has the wireless headphones for $139.99, down from $159.99, with the promo code BFAD155.


The best deal on Apple’s smart speaker this Black Friday is at Best Buy. You can pick up Apple’s HomePod for $249.99, down from $349.99.

HomeKit Devices

As you shop around today and tomorrow, be sure to read over our full Black Friday Roundup to keep track of the best deals.

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Ah, wonderful to see you again, sir. The usual? Kool-Aid Grain Alcohol Martini with a twisty straw. Of course. And I see you’re wearing a new watch. The MQT Essential Mirror. Quite striking.

I see the watch has a quartz ETA movement – an acceptable movement by any standard – and a very elegant face and hands combination. What’s that? It has a quickset date? Of course, no watch over $200 would skimp on that simple complication. $251 you say? On a silver mesh band, also known as a Milanese? A relative bargain, given its pedigree.

Of course, sir. I’ve spoken with the chef and she’s preparing your Ritz crackers with Easy Cheese as we speak. Do tell me more about this watch. It seems to be one of your only redeeming features.

What was that? No, I said nothing under my breath. Do go on.

Made in Berne, Switzerland, you say, by a pair of watchmakers, Hanna and Tom Heer, who left their high-paying jobs to make watches? And their goal is not to create a beautiful quartz piece that is eminently wearable yet quite delicate? Laudable, sir, laudable. I especially like the thin 41mm case. It’s so light and airy! Not unlike your Supreme baseball cap.

No, of course sir, we still give away all the mints you can eat after the meal. If you’d like I can tie that lobster bib around your neck. There we are. Nice and snug.

And they make a marble version? Wonderful! That hearkens back to the Tissot Rock Watches of yore. A delight, truly.

You’ve got a bit of cheese in your beard. Let me get… oh. I’m sorry to say that my hand got into the way of your pendulous tongue. I’m very sorry, sir.

Well, it’s been wonderful chatting with you. I’ll leave you to your Rick and Morty comics. What’s that? Caviar in an ice cream cone? With sprinkles? Of course. I’ll see what I can do. I do commend you, sir, all things being equal, on your taste in watches.

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Apple plans to discount the price of iPhone XR models in Japan by offering subsidies to Japanese carriers, according to a new report out this morning.

The Wall Street Journal said the price decreases on the $750 iPhone models could come as early as next week, citing sources familiar with Apple’s sales strategy in the region.

“A price cut within a month off the release is rare not just for Apple but for smartphone makers in general,” said a senior official at a wireless operator, who monitors sales.

Analysts say weaker-than-expected demand for iPhone XR may mirror what happened with the iPhone 5c in 2013, where sales picked up the following year. Apple’s higher-priced XS and XS Max models, released a month earlier, appeal more to tech’s early adopters who typically fuel initial sales of new iPhones.

The decision comes in the wake of a WSJ report earlier this week that claimed Apple has slashed production orders for its latest iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR models due to lower-than-expected demand.

Part of the problem for Apple is that the iPhone 8 is apparently still hugely popular in Japan because of its affordability, given that it’s cheaper than the XR and was still available when Apple launched the XS and XS Max.

According to WSJ‘s sources, Apple suppliers have also resumed making the iPhone X, the 2017 model that Apple no longer sells at its own stores. If Apple plans to sell the older model in Japan, it wouldn’t be the first time the company has produced previously discontinued models for regional markets where it sees sufficient demand for cheaper devices. The strategy also allows Apple to benefit from lower-cost components and depreciated production line machinery.

However, supply chain sources who spoke to WSJ claim the resumption of iPhone X production is partly due to Apple’s need to use OLED panels ordered from Samsung – panels that were previously earmarked for use in the iPhone XS and XS Max devices that have since been hit by swingeing production cuts.

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