Many wonderful things came from Nintendo’s first look at the Switch in a ‘preview’ in October 2016, One that nobody expected was the introduction of Switch enthusiast “Karen”. In her debut she can be seen playing Super Mario Odyssey before being interrupted by her friends on the roof across the street; she then promptly undocks the Switch and takes it to the party.

The internet, as always, ran with it and the character has been dubbed “Nintendo Karen” due to her apparent likeness to everyone’s friend who forces games on them at parties. The actress behind the role has now embraced her meme in full style, uploading the following image:

Posted to Instagram with the cheeky caption “Want to know a secret? Soon after the fitting, I went looking for the outfit”. It’s great to see the actress enjoying the attention she has gained. So much that she has listed “formerly nintendo karen” in her bio and has been hashtagging with the name.

Could we see “Karen” make a triumphant return at E3 this year?
