
Is Egypt using passports to punish its opponents? | Egypt

Mohamed ElBaradei, Egypt’s former vice president, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and former head of the UN’s Atomic Energy Agency, has said there should be “no confusion between citizenship rights and state policies”.

He is accusing the government of delaying issuing his passport for political reasons – and it is not just him.

Opposition figures and journalists say they are unable to renew their passports abroad.

The foreign ministry says Egyptians living in other countries need to return to Cairo for a renewal, but opposition figures say that could mean their immediate arrest.

Have passports become a political tool against Egypt’s opposition?

Presenter: Sami Zeidan


Yehia Ghanem – Al Jazeera’s Middle East analyst

Saad Djebbar – international lawyer

Samia Harris – founding member of Democracy for Egypt

Source: Al Jazeera News

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