“Carpool Karaoke: The Series,” which Apple purchased in mid-2016, is based on the popular Carpool Karaoke segment from “The Late Late Show with James Corden,” with James Corden, Ben Winston, and Eric Kankowski producing.
Apple’s new television show will feature 16 half-hour episodes featuring celebrity pairs riding in a car as they sing songs together. Each episode will feature a different host, with new content coming out on Thursdays.
Featured celebrities will include Will Smith and James Corden; Miley, Noah, Billy Ray and the entire Cyrus family; Shakira and Trevor Noah; Game of Thrones stars Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams; Queen Latifah and Jada Pinkett Smith; John Legend, Alicia Keys and Taraji P. Henson; LeBron James and James Corden; and more.
Apple plans to debut “Carpool Karaoke: The Series” on Tuesday, August 8 in more than 100 countries. It will be limited to Apple Music subscribers.