
What happens next in Catalonia? | Catalonia

In less than 24 hours Catalonia has declared independence and Spain has responded by stripping the region of its autonomy and taking control of its government and police.

The Spanish prime minister dismissed Catalan leaders, including Carles Puigdemont. Mariano Rajoy called for a snap election in the region on December 21. And handed over Catalonia’s reins to Spain’s deputy prime minister, Soraya Saenz de Santamaria.

But will that simply exacerbate Catalans’ ambitions to split?

Presenter: Patty Culhane


Enric Ucelay-da Cal – Senior Professor Emeritus, University of Barcelona

Daniel Gasconid – Spanish writer and political analyst

Luk Van Langenhove – Senior Researcher, Institute for European Studies

Source: Al Jazeera News

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