
Beyond oil: Saudi Arabia’s 2030 economic vision | Saudi Arabia

Gulf nations need to diversify their economies and move away from oil dependency, says the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

This warning comes as Saudi Arabia continues to work out how to sell around five percent of its state-run oil producer, Aramco – a deal that could raise more than $100bn. 

The plan is at the heart of an ambitious economic reform programme, which includes a new $500bn megacity near the Red Sea. It is hoped the extra money from the sale will make Saudi Arabia less reliant on the black gold in the long term.

The Kingdom is experiencing a recession after shrinking in two consecutive quarters for the first time since 2009. Growth this year is expected to be close to zero.

It’s domestic investment that’s important for Saudi Arabia right now – finding ways to stimulate the economy…and shift it towards something less based on energy. That diversification drive is why the state needs to sell a piece of Aramco.

Ayham Kamel, head of MENA research, Eurasia Group

Saudi Arabia’s budget deficit currently stands at 9.3 percent of its gross domestic product (GDP). It has suffered due to recent, low oil prices. Unemployment edged up in the second quarter to nearly 13 percent – although that number is far higher for under 29-year-olds.

Examining Saudi’s 2030 vision, Ayham Kamel, head of Middle East and North Africa research at the Eurasia Group, explains, “It’s a vision; it’s aspirational more than anything. They’re trying to implement key parts of it. It’s fundamentally changing the Kingdom’s political and social structure in a movement that’s much more viable – fiscally and regionally.”

Kamel says Saudi Arabia’s “short-term challenges are very linked to oil prices.” But, in the long term, the Kingdom “needs to have an economy that is not oil or energy based” in order to curb unemployment and deal with other structural issues. This explains why it is trying to “get the private sector to play a bigger part in the economy. This is practically the end of the Saudi state dictating all economic activity”.

While the country is open to foreign investment, “it’s domestic investment that’s important for Saudi Arabia right now – finding ways to stimulate the economy… and shift it towards something less based on energy. That diversification drive is why the state needs to sell a piece of Aramco,” says Kamel.

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Source: Al Jazeera

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