
Everything Apple Announced at WWDC 2019 in Nine Minutes

Today’s Worldwide Developers Conference was easily one of the most exciting events we’ve had this year, with Apple introducing feature after feature over the course of a two and a half hour event.

For those of you who haven’t had a chance to watch the keynote or don’t want to spend two hours listening to software announcements, we’ve condensed everything Apple announced into 9 minutes, so you can get a quick recap of everything important.

Subscribe to the MacRumors YouTube channel for more videos.

Apple debuted new versions of iOS, iPadOS (now separate from iOS!), macOS, tvOS, and watchOS, all of which have a long list of new features, plus Apple gave us a peek at the new Mac Pro and 6K Apple Display. In addition to our video, we’re also recapping all of our coverage below, giving you a complete overlook of everything new.


tvOS 13

watchOS 6

New Mac Pro and XDR Display

Other Announcements

Make sure to stay tuned to MacRumors this week, because we’re going to be sharing in-depth videos highlighting new features in all of the software updates Apple introduced today. We’ll also be publishing detailed roundups on everything you need to know about the new software, and we’ll have coverage of every new feature as we delve into the updates.

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