Written by Despicable Me duo Cinco Paul and Ken Daurio, the as-yet untitled comedy series follows a couple on a backpacking trip designed to reinvigorate their relationship when they discover the magical town of Schmigadoon, in which everyone acts as if they’re in a studio musical from the 1940s. They then discover that they can’t leave until they find “true love.”
Strong will produce as well as star in the series, while Paul will be showrunner and Daurio will serve as consulting producer.
The series has reportedly been in the works at Apple for almost a year. While Strong is thought to be in the final year of her current “Saturday Night Live” contract, her involvement in Apple’s comedy series doesn’t necessarily mean she’s leaving NBC’s late-night sketch program.
Earlier this week, Apple announced that it was also nearing a series order for a comedy-drama series starring Rose Byrne. Titled “Physical,” the show is set in a 1980s Southern California beach community, in which Byrne plays a housewife who discovers unexpected power in the world of aerobics.