

17 Loving Pets Who Won’t Leave Their Humans Alone, Even for a Second


Some pets are real stalkers and want every bit of their owners’ love and precious time. It’s them who you see first thing in the morning, it’s them who never let you “suffer” alone in the shower, and it’s them who always want to get lost in a book together with you.

Here at Bright Side, we found 17 happy humans whose pets are so in love with them that they can’t spend a single second without their beloved owners.

1. When you try to work from home:

2. “This is Waffles. This how Waffles waits for his mama to get out of the shower. THE WHOLE TIME.”

3. “Hey, what are you reading, buddy?”

4. “Every time I shower, he thinks I’m suffering and tries to rescue me.”

5. “That’s enough working for today, human.”

6. “Always need the rescue squad in case I fall into the toilet…”

7. “This is how she waits by the pillow for us to wake up.”

8. “Some people get no privacy from dogs or cats — I get none from THIS guy.”

9. “I just adopted this kitten a few days ago. I never foresaw that it’d be impossible to read with that face looking at me!”

10. “This happens every time I take a bath. Never any privacy!”

11. “Meet Harper. She likes to lay on my chest and just stare at me like this.”

12. When you feel the heavy glare of the boss even though you’re working from home…

13. “Her name is Bandit, and she’s the reason why all my screws end up on the floor.”

14. “Whenever I’m on the toilet, my cat holds his paw on my foot to make me feel safe.”

15. “The girlfriend and I adopted this dude from the shelter yesterday. He follows her everywhere and does this when she sits down.”

16. “This is what I wake up to each morning.”

17. “I stepped out to pick up a package.”

Do you have pets? Do they know what personal space is or do they follow you wherever you go? Show us some pics of your fluffy fellas hanging out with you, and let’s see whose pets are the most obsessed with their humans!

Preview photo credit NYChomie / Reddit

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Contract workers at Apple’s Silicon Valley campuses will continue to be paid their normal wages while Santa Clara County’s shelter in place order is in effect, an Apple spokesperson told The Wall Street Journal today.

The announcement was a departure from Apple’s original plans. Over the last few days, hundreds of contract workers were told that their jobs would be suspended without pay, but Apple appears to have reversed course on that decision.

Apple’s contract workers include janitors, bus drivers, and other individuals who perform similar functions on its Apple Park and Infinite Loop locations.

On Monday, in response to an inquiry from The Wall Street Journal, a spokeswoman said the janitors’ pay would continue. “We’re working with all of our suppliers to ensure hourly workers such as janitorial staff are being paid during this difficult time,” spokeswoman Kristin Huguet said after the Journal’s inquiry about the job elimination notices.

It appears that many contractors were mistakenly informed that their jobs would be suspended, and it’s not clear why. One janitor at Apple’s campus, Patricia Cortez, was called into an Apple office on Sunday alongside colleagues and told that her job had been eliminated.

Bus drivers were also concerned about payment as Apple had not told WeDriveU and Hallcon Corp, two companies who manage Apple’s shuttle service, whether contracts would be paid.

Apple previously said that it is paying all of its hourly workers, such as retail employees and cafeteria staff, but had not previously confirmed that it was going to continue paying contractors.

Apple’s Silicon Valley campuses will be shut down until at least May 3 due to the extension of the shelter in place order in the Bay Area. Apple’s retail stores in the United States and other countries outside of China also remain closed, though some could begin opening as soon as the first half of April.

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The United Nations chief has warned the coronavirus pandemic presents the world with its “worst crisis” since World War II, with the number of dead in the United States now higher than in China and hard-hit countries in Europe reporting their highest number of deaths in a single day.

The US announced some 800 deaths on Tuesday – bringing the total to more than 3,700. It also has the most confirmed cases. China has reported 3,282 deaths from COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus. 

Spain, the United Kingdom, France and Italy each reported their largest single-day increase in deaths since the start of the pandemic. Some 12,428 people have died from the disease in Italy, the world’s most seriously affected country.


Around the world, nearly 857,000 people have been diagnosed with the virus and at least 178,000 have recovered, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 42,000 people have died.

I’m Kate Mayberry in Kuala Lumpur with Al Jazeera’s continuing coverage of the coronavirus pandemic.

Here are the latest updates.

Wednesday, April 1 

01:30 GMT – ‘The President’s Coronavirus Guidelines for America’

US President Donald Trump has just shared on Twitter his ‘Coronavirus Guidelines for America’ after warning the country faced a “very painful” two weeks as it confronts the virus.

The recommendations advise the elderly and those with underlying health conditions to stay at home and urge those feeling sick to stay at home and seek medical attention.

20:50 GMT Tuesday – UN chief: ‘COVID-19 worst crisis since WWII’

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has warned the coronavirus pandemic is the most serious crisis facing the world since World War II, threatening people in every country and carrying the risk of “enhanced instability, enhanced unrest, and enhanced conflict.”

The UN chief was speaking at the launch of a report on the socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19.

Read all the updates from yesterday (March 31) here.

Al Jazeera and news agencies

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Vericool, a Livermore, Calif.-based startup that’s replacing plastic coolers and packaging with plant-based products, has raised $19.1 million in a new round of financing.

The company’s stated goal is to replace traditional packaging materials like polystyrene with plant-based insulating packaging materials.

Its technology uses 100% recycled paper fibers and other plant-based materials, according to the company, and are curbside recyclable and compostable.

Investors in the round include Radicle Impact PartnersThe Ecosystem Integrity FundID8 Investments and AiiM Partners, according to a statement.

“We’re pleased to support Vericool because of the company’s track record of innovation, high-performance products, well-established patent portfolio and focus on environmental resilience. We are inspired by the company’s social justice commitment to address recidivism and provide workplace opportunity to formerly incarcerated individuals,” said Dan Skaff, managing partner of Radicle Impact Partners and Vericool’s new lead director. 

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Internet Users Share 15 Recent Discoveries That Won’t Stop Haunting Their Minds


Every time you think there’s nothing else that can surprise you in this world, someone can prove that you’re actually wrong. For example, we had no idea that bananas make bees aggressive and that spiders don’t have muscles in their legs. So if you want to learn some more interesting facts, just continue reading this article.

The Bright Side team would like to share 15 recent discoveries made by internet users with you that will boggle your mind.

  • Today I learned about manual babbling. Deaf children or children born to deaf parents babble with their hands instead of vocalized babbling. @Dachten
  • Mosquitoes can not only smell what blood type you are, they prefer type O. In fact, people who are type O are twice as likely to be bitten than someone who is type A. @doubleXmedium
  • Beekeepers are advised to not eat bananas. Their smell makes bees aggressive because it releases the same pheromones that alert bees to an attack. @saiasox
  • I learned that you can’t find broccoli in the wild, since it was created by humans by breeding it from wild cabbage. @WTender2
  • The human brain remains half-awake when sleeping in a new environment for the first time. @Cosmogally
  • Today I learned about “latchkey incontinence,” a phenomenon where the urge to urinate gets stronger the closer you are to a bathroom. One example would be when you put your key in your front door when returning home from work. @youagreewithit
  • I visited a DreamWorks animation exhibition yesterday and found an early sketch of Shrek from the film’s production:
  • I learned that koala bear fingerprints are almost indistinguishable from human fingerprints. And though it’s unlikely that they would be at the scene of a crime, police should be aware of this possibility. @amansaggu26
  • Harry Potter has been translated to Ancient Greek so that the students of this dead language would have something fun to decipher. @harmenator
  • I found out that my daughter has uncombable hair syndrome. It is characterized by dry, frizzy hair that stands up from the scalp and that can’t be combed flat. This is what it looks like:
  • I learned that brass doorknobs (or any other brass objects) sterilize themselves from bacteria after about 8 hours. This is called the oligodynamic effect. @1nfin1tus
  • Pencils are yellow because in the 19th century the best graphite came from China. Yellow was a royal color in China, so pencil companies began to color their pencils yellow to show both high quality and an association with this country. @unknown
  • I found out that roundabouts reduce fatalities from accidents by 72-82%. They also lower wait times and save gas. @VictorJ45
  • Spiders don’t have muscles in their legs. They extend them using a system of hydraulics powered by their blood pressure. When they die, spiders’ legs curl up because the blood pressure is gone. @itCompiledThrsNoBugs

Can you continue this list with your own discoveries? Please, do this in the comments.

Preview photo credit AnthropoceneKid / twitter

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Following the release of iOS 13.4 on March 24, Apple has stopped signing iOS 13.3.1, which means downgrading to that version of iOS is no longer possible.

iOS 13.3.1 was a minor update that added a toggle for disabling the U1 chip in Apple’s iPhone 11, 11 Pro, and 11 Pro Max.

Apple routinely stops signing older versions of software updates after new releases come out in order to encourage customers to keep their operating systems up to date.

iOS 13.4 is the current publicly available version of iOS, with the update bringing a new Mail toolbar, iCloud Folder Sharing, new Memoji stickers, trackpad support on iPad, and more.

Developers can also download iOS 13.4.5, an upcoming update with bug fixes and a new option to share Apple Music songs on Instagram Stories.
This article, “Apple Stops Signing iOS 13.3.1 Following Release of iOS 13.4” first appeared on MacRumors.com

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The FCC unanimously passed a new set of rules today that will require wireless carriers to implement a tech framework to combat robocalls. Called STIR/SHAKEN, and dithered over for years by the carriers, the protocol will be required to be put in place by summer of 2021.

Robocalls have grown from vexation to serious problem as predictable “claim your free vacation” scams gave way to “here’s how to claim your stimulus check” or “apply for coronavirus testing here” scams.

A big part of the problem is that the mobile networks allow for phone numbers to be spoofed or imitated, and it’s never clear to the call recipient that the number they see may be different from the actual originating number. Tracking and preventing fraudulent use of this feature has been on the carriers’ roadmap for a long time, and some have gotten around to it in some ways, for some customers.

STIR/SHAKEN, which stands for Secure Telephony Identity Revisited / Secure Handling of Asserted information using toKENs, is a way to securely track calls and callers to prevent fraud and warn consumers of potential scams. Carriers and the FCC have been talking about it since 2017, and in 2018 the FCC said it needed to be implemented in 2019. When that hadn’t happened, the FCC gave carriers a nudge, and at the end of the year Congress passed the TRACED Act to spur the regulator into carrying out its threat of mandating use of the system.

Rules to that effect were proposed earlier this month, and at the FCC’s open meeting today (conducted remotely), the measure passed unanimously. Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel, who has been vocal about the lack of concrete action on this issue, gladly approved the rules but vented her frustration in a statement:

It is good news that today the Federal Communications Commission adopts rules to reduce robocalls through call authentication. I only wish we had done so sooner, like three years ago when the FCC first proposed the use of STIR/SHAKEN technology.

Commissioner Brendan Starks called the rules a “good first step,” but pointed out that the carriers need to apply call authentication technology not just on the IP-based networks but all over, and also to work with each other (as some already are) to ensure that these protections remain in place across networks, not just within them.

Chairman Ajit Pai concurred, pointing out there was much work to do:

It’s clear that FCC action is needed to spur across-the-board deployment of this important technology…Widespread implementation of STIR/SHAKEN will reduce the effectiveness of illegal spoofing, allow law enforcement to identify bad actors more easily, and help phone companies identify—and even block—calls with illegal spoofed caller ID information before those calls reach their subscribers. Most importantly, it will give consumers more peace of mind when they answer the phone.

There’s no silver bullet for the problem of spoofed robocalls. So we will continue our aggressive, multi-pronged approach to combating it.

Consumers won’t notice any immediate changes — the deadline is next year, after all — but it’s likely that in the coming months you will receive more information from your carrier about the technology and what, if anything, you need to do to enable it.

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Dark Sky, the popular weather app, has been acquired by Apple. News of the acquisition comes by way of Dark Sky’s own blog.

The company says that there will be “no changes” for users on iOS right now — but for Dark Sky users on Android, the forecast isn’t so good. The company says it’ll shutdown the service on Android in just a few months time.

From their post:

Android and Wear OS App:

The app will no longer be available for download. Service to existing users and subscribers will continue until July 1, 2020, at which point the app will be shut down. Subscribers who are still active at that time will receive a refund.

The company will also no longer accept new signups for its API, which allowed other developers to tap Dark Sky’s database of “weather forecasts and historical weather data“. The company is committing to running that API through the end of 2021, but it’s unclear what’ll happen to it after that.

Dark Sky found its following by being one of the first apps to focus on “hyperlocal” weather, with reports based on your precise location rather than a swooping approximation for an entire zip code. For places like San Francisco where the weather can vary wildly from neighborhood to neighborhood, that’s a must.

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16 Photos That Can Broaden Your Horizons in a Couple of Seconds


If we could see with our own eyes the whale rocks, a weird fish from the mysterious depths of the ocean, the biggest geoglyph with an unknown creator, or maybe take a selfie in space just like astronaut Jessica Meir did, we’d certainly be happier.

We at Bright Side are always looking for unprecedented and little-known things to share with our readers. So here is our new compilation of unique and amazing things. At the end of the article, you’ll find a bonus that proves that the right perspective can change everything.

1. Armadillo in sleep mode

2. Roman Fedortsov, a sailor from Murmansk, shared a picture of a strange fish and asked his followers what it’s called. It turned out to be a triggerfish.

3. What a cactus looks like on the inside:

4. The whale rocks, Thailand

5. The Marree Man or Stuart’s Giant is one of the biggest geoglyphs on the planet. The figure is 1.7 miles tall. It was discovered in Australia in 1998. We still don’t know who created it or why.

6. This nut, which holds the main rotor to the mast of some helicopters, is called a “Jesus nut.”

7. The mountain village of Kurush in Dagestan is located at an altitude of 2,480 meters — 2,560 meters above sea level, so the locals have clouds instead of a sea.

8. Strawberry corn

9. “This is an amoeba I saw through the microscope.”

10. If this tree was a human, it could tell a very interesting story about its life.

11. An empty Boeing 787:

12. It’s a cocoa pod with beans inside or what chocolate looks like before it becomes a bar:

13. During winters in Tiksi, Yakutia, ATVs are used as ambulances.

14. A chunk of wall taken off of a graffiti wall

15. Ice is melting underneath a layer of ice:

16. Astronaut, Jessica Meir, posted a selfie taken in space.

Bonus: When you look at our planet from the perspective of the Pacific Ocean, it seems that there are no people on Earth…

Can your surprise your friends in a conversation with facts that people rarely know? What are they?

Preview photo credit mrobry / Pikabu

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Apple today updated Pages, Numbers, and Keynote, its iWork apps designed for the Mac, to version 10.0 with a new set of features. The updates add support for iCloud Folder Sharing for collaborative files with macOS 10.15.4 installed, plus there are options to edit shared documents offline.

There are also new templates and editable shapes to work with, a redesigned template chooser, and an option to add color, gradients, and images to the background of any document. Each app’s release notes are below.

Pages Release Notes

  • Select from a variety of gorgeous new templates to help you get started.
  • Add a Pages document to a shared iCloud Drive folder to automatically start collaborating. Requires macOS 10.15.4.
  • Add a drop cap to make a paragraph stand out with a large, decorative first letter.
  • Apply a color, gradient, or image to the background of any document.
  • Easily access your recently used templates in a redesigned template chooser.
  • Print or export a PDF of your document with comments included.
  • Edit shared documents while offline and your changes will upload when you’re back online.
  • Enhance your documents with a variety of new, editable shapes.

Numbers Release Notes

  • Create spreadsheets with more rows and columns than ever before.
  • Apply a color to a background of a sheet.
  • Add a Numbers spreadsheet to a shared ‌iCloud Drive‌ to automatically start collaborating. Requires macOS 10.15.4.
  • Edit shared spreadsheets while offline and your changes will upload when you’re back online.
  • Easily access your recently used templates in a redesigned template chooser.
  • Print or export a PDF of your spreadsheet with comments included.
  • Add a drop cap to text in a shape.
  • Enhance your spreadsheets with a variety of new, editable shapes.

Keynote Release Notes

  • Add a Keynote presentation to a shared ‌iCloud Drive‌ to automatically start collaborating. Requires macOS 10.15.4.
  • Edit shared presentations while offline and your changes will upload when you’re back online.
  • Select from a variety of gorgeous new themes to help you get started.
  • Easily access your recently used themes in a redesigned template chooser.
  • Print or export a PDF of your presentation with comments included.
  • Add a drop cap to make text stand out with a large, decorative first letter.
  • Enhance your presentations with a variety of new, editable shapes.
  • New “Keyboard” text build in and build out animation

Apple does not appear to have released updates to its iWork for iOS apps, so the new features are limited to the Mac versions at this time. All of the new updates can be downloaded from the Mac App Store.

Apple’s iWork for Mac apps are all free downloads.

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Marriott Data Breach

International hotel chain Marriott today disclosed a data breach impacting nearly 5.2 million hotel guests, making it the second security incident to hit the company in recent years.

“At the end of February 2020, we identified that an unexpected amount of guest information may have been accessed using the login credentials of two employees at a franchise property,” Marriott said in a statement.

“We believe this activity started in mid-January 2020. Upon discovery, we confirmed that the login credentials were disabled, immediately began an investigation, implemented heightened monitoring, and arranged resources to inform and assist guests.”

The incident exposed guests’ personal information such as contact details (name, mailing address, email address, and phone number), loyalty account information (account number and points balance), and additional information such as company, gender, dates of births, room preferences, and language preferences.

The hospitality giant said an investigation into the breach was ongoing, but said there was no evidence that Marriott Bonvoy account passwords or PINs, payment card information, passport information, national IDs, or driver’s license numbers were compromised.

Marriott has also set up a self-service online portal for guests to check whether their personal details were involved in the breach, and what categories of information were exposed. In addition, it’s offering affected users an option to enroll in IdentityWorks, a personal information monitoring service, free of charge for 1 year.

The company has already taken the step of disabling the passwords of Marriott Bonvoy members who had their information potentially exposed in the incident, and they will be notified to change their passwords during the next login, as well as prompted to enable multi-factor authentication.

The incident follows a 2014 compromise of Starwood Hotels guest reservation database, which was acquired by Marriott in 2016. The breach, which exposed personal details of over 339 million guests globally, wasn’t detected until November 2018, leading to it paying a fine of £99 million ($123 million) to the UK’s data privacy regulator Information Commissioner’s Office under GDPR laws.

“The kinds of information disclosed in the latest Marriott breach might seem innocuous, but it is precisely this kind of intelligence that enables threat actors to better target attacks on consumers,” Gerrit Lansing, STEALTHbits’ Field CTO told The Hacker News via email today.

“Simply: the more I know about you, the better chance I have of fooling you. Compromised credentials remain one of the top vectors for this kind of compromise, and strong authentication before accessing sensitive information one of the best defenses.”

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8 Times You Should Not Say “Sorry” and What to Do Instead


Just think about how many times you use the word “sorry” over the course of one day. And how many times was it for a legitimate reason? Sociologists say that needless apologizing has become our habitual way of communicating, but it actually kills our confidence.

We at Bright Side have made a list of situations where you should not apologize, and we’ve explained what you can do instead.

1. When you tell the truth

8 Times You Should Not Say “Sorry” and What to Do Instead

There is absolutely no need to apologize for telling the truth, because, as psychologists believe, the benefits of being honest are always predominate over trying to not hurt someone’s feelings. Always try to formulate your thoughts without starting with “I am sorry,” but instead use phrases like, “I think” or “In my opinion.” This will make you a person whose advice will always have value.

2. When you are too emotional

8 Times You Should Not Say “Sorry” and What to Do Instead

“By letting someone know how you feel, you’re helping that person understand you,” says Donna Flagg, author of Surviving Dreaded Conversations. So why should you apologize if that person really means a lot to you? You should also be curious about their feelings.

Moreover, there is no shame in being oversensitive either. However, always make sure you open up in an appropriate place, not a formal meeting, for example.

3. When you look different

8 Times You Should Not Say “Sorry” and What to Do Instead

It’s your right to look exactly the way you feel the most comfortable, and the last thing you need to do is apologize for that. This is the approach that is recommended by specialists. Unless it’s an occasion, where a specific dress-code is required, you don’t have to rush to look anything like what others consider appropriate. Always be yourself and bring some colorful diversity to our world!

4. When you want to be all by yourself

8 Times You Should Not Say “Sorry” and What to Do Instead

The desire to be left alone is not always a sign that a person is in a bad mood. Actually, research suggests that spending more “me-time” leads to an increase in our creativity. So never feel sorry for not participating in any social activity, whatever your reasons are, and just listen to your own feelings and needs.

5. When you ask a question

8 Times You Should Not Say “Sorry” and What to Do Instead

In many cases, we don’t feel comfortable asking questions, because we have a fear of looking silly in someone’s eyes. However, specialists think that this is not the correct attitude to have, if you really want to be successful. Don’t feel sorry for not understanding something and don’t be afraid to ask for more clarification or help. If another person judges you for asking, it speaks to his complexes, not yours.

6. When you don’t respond to something immediately

8 Times You Should Not Say “Sorry” and What to Do Instead

There will always be certain people that consider their own needs more important than yours. This type of person insistently demands an answer to their e-mails, messages, etc., right away, without even thinking that you may be busy with different things.

Don’t fall into this trap — don’t feel sorry for not managing to fit into someone else’s time frame. If it’s not a question of a real emergency, just let them know that you won’t forget about it, but will reply when it’s possible for you. As Brené Brown mentions in her book, loving yourself more than you love others is the first and most critical step to seeking happiness and fulfillment.

7. When something you can’t control happens

8 Times You Should Not Say “Sorry” and What to Do Instead

There are so many situations that can get out of control, even if we’ve planned everything perfectly. Whether it’s being late for a meeting because of traffic, receiving the wrong order, or a technical mistake that ruined your presentation — these things always happen and you should not take responsibility for everything in the world.

Instead, it’s better to thank the person (or people), show that this affected you too, and try to find a solution to make everyone happy.

8. When other people behave rudely

8 Times You Should Not Say “Sorry” and What to Do Instead

Many of us are familiar with the situation where we feel awkward because of someone else’s behavior. This phenomenon is called vicarious embarrassment, and is linked to a high level of empathy in a person. Nevertheless, you don’t have to take the responsibility for something you are not guilty for.

In what situations do you say “sorry” without really being guilty? Share your answers with the Bright Side community in the comment section!

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