
14 Fashion Trends We Used to Laugh at a Few Years Ago

14 Fashion Trends We Used to Laugh at a Few Years Ago


It was at the beginning of the 20th century that the first fashion show took place. Since that time, the shows of famous fashion designers have been setting trends for the entire world. Each epoch gets its own rules and canons that, after a while, get destroyed by new designers.

We at Bright Side decided to check and see which of today’s trends used to be considered funny and awkward in the past.

All leather look

Monochrome has already found its place among trends, and fashion designers have decided to go further. Today, not only is it important to be wearing all one color, but also all one texture. Leather and latex used to be considered vulgar and inappropriate in an everyday look, but today models are wearing this material from head to heels.

Belt bags

A little while ago, a belt bag was mostly associated with the job of a seller. Today, it’s an everyday element of a wardrobe that is used by both men and women. The design of these bags is constantly changing and stylists keep coming up with new methods of wearing them.

Sandals with socks

Fashion designers have been doing their best to make us stop wearing sandals with socks for quite a long time. But today they’ve made it a fashionable trend. It seems that people who have been wearing sandals this way for their entire life are well aware of what they are doing.

Long outerwear

The maxi length has taken its toll on the world of outerwear. If earlier we considered this look awkward, today knee-length trench coats look skimpy and even down jackets for winter are designed to be long and voluminous.

Open shoes in the city

Fashion designers have been assuring us for a long time that flip-flops are appropriate only for wearing at the beach. Turns out, this was all in vain: today they’ve managed to combine open footwear with both everyday clothes and business attire.

Straw bags

Straw bags have also changed their geolocation and now they easily fit into the city lifestyle.

Dresses with trousers

“A dress over trousers? Really?” Today’s fashion says, “Yes!

Cowboy boots

Back in the day, we used to only see cowboy boots be worn by the characters of Westerns — today they are trendy. Fashion designers experiment with colors and texture, while stylists manage to fit them into any look.


If several years ago, we saw a girl wearing a t-shirt, a shirt, a jean jacket, and then a coat over all of these things, we would consider that weird. Today’s fashion is all about layering: fashion designers have continued using various colors and textures, while we don’t even notice how we implement their ideas into our own lives.

Eco bags

Fabric bags came out as an alternative to plastic bags in grocery stores. At first, they were only seen as a bag for shopping, but today fashion designers fit them into various looks.

Oversized blazers

With oversized clothing being trendy, the XS blazer (in the photo on the left) now looks like this. You don’t need to go shopping to get yourself a trendy blazer, instead you can just take one from your husband or your dad.

One earring

Of course, you’ll still have to answer the question, “Where is your other earring?” for a little while more, but that won’t last long. Today mono earrings can not only be seen on runways, but also in shops, which means that this trend has taken hold and is going to appear in mass fashion soon.

Mismatched earrings

“Did you get dressed in the dark?” — that’s a question you would have been asked earlier if you appeared somewhere wearing mismatched earrings. Today, it’s part of a trendy look.

Tracksuits with heels

It wasn’t very long ago that we finally got used to seeing dresses with sneakers. Today we’ve arrived to a new level: tracksuits with heels.

What other changes in fashion have you noticed? Which of these trends do you like and would you like to start using in your everyday life?

Preview photo credit idkimforeign / reddit

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