

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has ordered England back into a national lockdown after the United Kingdom passed the milestone of one million COVID-19 cases and a second wave of infections threatened to overwhelm the health service.

The UK, which has the biggest official death toll in Europe from COVID-19, is grappling with more than 20,000 new coronavirus cases a day and scientists have warned the “worst case” scenario of 80,000 dead could be exceeded.

Johnson, at a hastily convened news conference in Downing Street after news of a lockdown leaked to local media, said that the one-month lockdown across England would kick in at a minute past midnight on Thursday morning and last until December 2.

In some of the most onerous restrictions in the UK’s peacetime history, people will only be allowed to leave home for specific reasons such as education, work, exercise, shopping for essentials and medicines or caring for the vulnerable.

Essential shops, schools, and universities will remain open, Johnson said, and while elite sports will continue, amateur sports for adults and children will be asked to stop.

Pubs and restaurants will be shut apart from for takeaways. All non-essential retail will close.

“Now is the time to take action because there is no alternative,” Johnson said, flanked by his chief medical officer, Chris Whitty, and his chief scientific adviser, Patrick Vallance.

“Unless we act, we could see deaths in this country running at several thousand a day.”

A government programme that has paid 80 percent of the wages of millions of furloughed employees during the pandemic was due to end Saturday, but will be extended during the new lockdown.

Al Jazeera’s Neave Barker, reporting from London, said the extension of the furlough scheme “will come with great relief I think to people knowing now that they’re entering a period of lockdown and they do have the support of the government.

“So, this isn’t just a health issue, it’s a deeply financial and economic one, as well.”

Barker said the projections of rapidly rising infections and deaths gave the lockdown added urgency.

“That is why the prime minister has made this radical U-turn on his strategy which previously was all about local lockdowns and all about limiting the possibility of what is now a national lockdown.”


The imposition of stricter curbs came after scientists warned the outbreak was going in the wrong direction and that action was needed to halt the spread of the virus if families were to have any hope of gathering at Christmas in December.

Johnson was criticised by political opponents for moving too slowly into the first national lockdown, which stretched from March 23 to July 4. He fell ill with COVID-19 in late March and was hospitalised in early April.

The measures bring England into alignment with France and Germany by imposing nationwide restrictions almost as severe as the ones that drove the global economy this year into its deepest recession in generations.

Austria and Greece also announced on Saturday a nighttime curfew and the closure of cafes, bars and restaurants to all but takeaway service until the end of November to contain a resurgence in COVID-19 cases.

The UK has the world’s fifth-largest official death toll, after the United States, Brazil, India and Mexico, according to a Johns Hopkins University tally.

So far, the UK has reported 46,555 COVID-19 deaths – defined as those dying within 28 days of a positive test. A broader death measure of those with COVID-19 on their death certificates gives the toll as 58,925.

Keir Starmer, the opposition Labour leader, who called for a lockdown two weeks ago, said the delay introducing the new restrictions will come “at an economic cost and a human cost”.

Legislators are expected to vote on the proposals on Wednesday.

The new measures apply to England. Other parts of the UK set their own public health measures, with Wales and Northern Ireland already effectively in lockdown and Scotland under a set of tough regional restrictions.

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said on Saturday that, for now, people in Scotland should not travel to or from England, “except for essential purposes”.

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Powerful quake struck Turkey’s Aegean coast and north of Greek island of Samos on Friday, killing at least 25 people.

Rescue teams have ploughed through concrete blocks and the debris of eight collapsed buildings on Saturday in search of survivors of a powerful earthquake that struck Turkey’s Aegean coast and north of the Greek island of Samos on Friday, killing at least 25 people.

More than 800 people were injured from the quake that toppled buildings in Izmir, Turkey’s third-largest city, and triggered a small tsunami in the district of Seferihisar and on Samos.

The quake was followed by more than 400 aftershocks, according to Turkey’s Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency, or AFAD.

Early on Saturday, onlookers cheered as rescuers lifted a teenager out of the rubble of a devastated eight-storey apartment building.

Friends and relatives waited outside the building for news of loved ones still trapped, including employees of a dentist’s surgery that was located on the ground floor.

Two other women were rescued from another collapsed two-storey building.

AFAD reported that at least 24 people were killed in Izmir, including an elderly woman who drowned.

Two teenagers were killed on Samos after being struck by a collapsing wall. At least 19 people were injured on the island, with two, including a 14-year-old, airlifted to Athens and seven hospitalised on the island, health authorities said.

The small tsunami that hit the Turkish coast also affected Samos, with seawater flooding streets in the main harbour town of Vathi.

Authorities warned people to stay away from the coast and from potentially damaged buildings.

The earthquake, which the Kandilli Institute said had a magnitude of 6.9, struck at 2.51pm (11:51 GMT) in Turkey. Its epicentre was in the Aegean northeast of Samos.

The powerful earthquake that hit Turkey and Greece levelled buildings and created a sea surge that flooded streets near the Turkish resort city of Izmir [Ozan Kose/AFP]

On Friday, Izmir Mayor Tunc Soyer told broadcaster CNN Turk about 20 buildings had collapsed. Turkey’s interior minister tweeted six buildings in Izmir were destroyed. Izmir Governor Yavuz Selim Kosger said at least 70 people were rescued from the wreckage.

The effect was felt across the eastern Greek islands and as far as Athens and Bulgaria.

In Turkey, it shook the regions of Aegean and Marmara, including Istanbul.

Istanbul’s governor said there were no reports of damage in the city.

Authorities warned residents in Izmir not to return to damaged buildings, saying they could collapse in strong aftershocks.

In Samos, an island with a population of about 45,000, residents were urged to stay away from coastal areas.

In a show of solidarity rare following tense bilateral relations, Greek and Turkish government officials issued mutual messages of solidarity while the presidents of Greece and Turkey held a telephone conversation.

Relations between Turkey and Greece have been tense with warships from both facing off in the eastern Mediterranean in a dispute over maritime boundaries and energy exploration rights.

The ongoing tension has led to fears of open conflict between the two neighbours and NATO allies.

Crisscrossed by extensive fault lines, Turkey is among the most earthquake-prone countries in the world.

More than 17,000 people were killed in August 1999 when a magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck Izmit, a city southeast of Istanbul.

In 2011, an earthquake in the eastern city of Van killed more than 500.

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When former special agent Tom O’Connor held a training session for new recruits this month at the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Virginia headquarters, he turned to a key example to underscore the threat of domestic violent attacks: The October 2018 mass shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

The shooting, which killed 11 worshippers making it the deadliest attack on the Jewish community in US history, came a little more than a week before congressional elections.

The fact that the alleged gunman was not known to police serves as a stark reminder of the difficulties facing US law enforcement agencies around next Tuesday’s election when Republican President Donald Trump will seek to fend off Democratic challenger Joe Biden, former law enforcement officials said.

Law enforcement, which has warned of potential violence around the November 3 vote, must prepare for a range of potential threats, from spontaneous acts of violence to more organised, planned attacks, according to officials. Authorities also face a disparate range of potential perpetrators from lone actors to a growing threat from violent groups, including those that are racially motivated, anti-authority and militias.

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer was the target of a kidnapping plot [Michigan Office of the Governor via AP]

Federal agents this month foiled a plot by a group of 14 alleged conspirators, including right-wing militia members, to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, a Democrat, before the election. Michigan’s attorney general’s office identified at least eight of the men as members or “associates” of the self-proclaimed Michigan Wolverine Watchmen group. Most of the defendants in the alleged plot have pleaded not guilty.

The vote also comes at a time of heightened tensions. More than a dozen current and former law enforcement officials told the Reuters news agency the country’s worsening political polarisation, rising agitation over pandemic lockdowns, and high unemployment are a toxic brew that could erupt in the coming days.

The election could serve as a “trigger” for “extremists”, O’Connor said in an interview, during which he discussed his recent presentation.

Police preparations

Police departments in major cities across the country – from Miami to New York – say they are planning to put more officers on the street around the election or putting them on standby if trouble erupts.

Jorge Colina, chief of the Miami Police Department, said the department’s plans for November 3 include having up to 50 percent more officers working than on a typical day. Plain-clothes officers will be at polling places. A challenge for local police departments is that potentially violent actors can mobilise “with practically zero notice”, Colina said.

Police in New York City and other major metropolitan areas say they have conducted “tabletop exercises” in recent weeks to prepare for emergency scenarios around the election, ranging from demonstrations to bombs. In Chicago, authorities have discussed possibilities that included mass protests with violence and property destruction.

The New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness will be monitoring online activity on Election Day in case protesters try to gather around polling stations, according to Director Jared Maples.

“So if a person says on social media, ‘Coalesce at this point and bring your guns,’ we’re aware of it in real-time,” Maples told Reuters.

Daunting task

But tracking and preventing potential attacks is a daunting task, current and former law enforcement officials told Reuters.

An FBI spokesman said the agency has engaged in “extensive preparations” for the election and will plan for a range of possible scenarios. The bureau collects and analyzes intelligence “to determine whether individuals might be motivated to take violent action for any reason”, the spokesman said.

The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in a report published earlier this month said domestic violent groups and others could target events related to the presidential campaigns, the election or the immediate aftermath. “Such actors could mobilize quickly to threaten or engage in violence,” it added.

Trump has been slow to condemn right-wing violence, which his critics say is emboldening hardline groups. At a debate in September, he told the right-wing Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by” after being asked to condemn white supremacists. A senior Trump administration official said the president has clearly stated “that he does not tolerate any extreme violence”.

Bluster vs action

Some say the threat around the election may be overstated. While hardline groups “talk big on the internet, it rarely translates into big action,” said JJ MacNab, a fellow at George Washington University’s Program on Extremism. MacNab said some acknowledge in private online platforms that they are making outlandish threats with the aim of manipulating media and researchers into inflating the threat they pose, she said.

The internet is awash with such content and differentiating between “bluster and action” can be challenging, according to Thomas Plofchan, a former DHS counterterrorism adviser who left the department in January.

Constitutional protections around freedom of speech also make it difficult to target a group or individuals simply because they espouse “extremist” views.

While discussions about plans for a crime can be grounds to launch a probe, “vague comments about civil war” are not, said Mary McCord, a former senior Department of Justice official.

Alleged domestic violent “extremists” in the US killed 48 people in 2019 – more than in any year since the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, according to the DHS report released earlier this month.

Far-right actors, including white supremacists and anti-government adherents, were responsible for the majority of the 61 alleged plots and attacks in the US during the first eight months of this year, according to Washington-based think-tank the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Far-left hardliners, including anarchists and anti-fascists, accounted for about a fifth, with Islamist groups and others making up the rest, the centre found.

Election integrity

Trump has made attacking the integrity of the nation’s elections a central campaign theme. He has claimed without evidence that increased mail-in voting in light of the pandemic will be rife with fraud and that Democrats will “rig” the outcome in favour of his opponent.

Several right-wing and anti-government groups told Reuters they do not plan to police the polls, but will be on standby if chaos ensues after the election.

Mike Dunn, a prominent member of the “boogaloo” anti-government movement in Virginia, told Reuters he and other “boogaloos” have no plans for Election Day. If disturbances erupt afterwards, said 20-year-old Dunn, his armed supporters will protect protesters from assailants, regardless of their political affiliation, and guard against looting. He emphasised they would use peaceful tactics to de-escalate volatile situations.

The presence of armed hardliners at protests could escalate tensions, even if the groups do not intend it, several former law enforcement officials said.

Chris Hill, the Georgia-based leader of the III% Security Force, said his group would defend property in the event of rioting and would focus on deterring violence and unrest. “I’m going to have my gear in my truck and I’m going to have my gas tank fueled and I’m going to have my boys on standby,” said Hill.

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Cybersecurity researchers have disclosed details about a new watering hole attack targeting the Korean diaspora that exploits vulnerabilities in web browsers such as Google Chrome and Internet Explorer to deploy malware for espionage purposes.

Dubbed “Operation Earth Kitsune” by Trend Micro, the campaign involves the use of SLUB (for SLack and githUB) malware and two new backdoors — dneSpy and agfSpy — to exfiltrate system information and gain additional control of the compromised machine.

The attacks were observed during the months of March, May, and September, according to the cybersecurity firm.

Watering hole attacks allow a bad actor to compromise a targeted business by compromising a carefully selected website by inserting an exploit with an intention to gain access to the victim’s device and infect it with malware.

Operation Earth Kitsune is said to have deployed the spyware samples on websites associated with North Korea, although access to these websites is blocked for users originating from South Korean IP addresses.

A Diversified Campaign

Although previous operations involving SLUB used the GitHub repository platform to download malicious code snippets onto the Windows system and post the results of the execution to an attacker-controlled private Slack channel, the latest iteration of the malware has targeted Mattermost, a Slack-like open-source collaborative messaging system.

“The campaign is very diversified, deploying numerous samples to the victim machines and using multiple command-and-control (C&C) servers during this operation,” Trend Micro said. “In total, we found the campaign using five C&C servers, seven samples, and exploits for four N-day bugs.”

Designed to skip systems that have security software installed on them as a means to thwart detection, the attack weaponizes an already patched Chrome vulnerability (CVE-2019-5782) that allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code inside a sandbox via a specially-crafted HTML page.

Separately, a vulnerability in Internet Explorer (CVE-2020-0674) was also used to deliver malware via the compromised websites.

dneSpy and agfSpy — Fully Functional Espionage Backdoors

The difference in the infection vector notwithstanding, the exploit chain proceeds through the same sequence of steps — initiate a connection with the C&C server, receive the dropper, which then checks for the presence of anti-malware solutions on the target system before proceeding to download the three backdoor samples (in “.jpg” format) and executing them.

What’s changed this time around is the use of Mattermost server to keep track of the deployment across multiple infected machines, in addition to creating an individual channel for each machine to retrieve the collected information from the infected host.

Of the other two backdoors, dneSpy, and agfSpy, the former is engineered to amass system information, capture screenshots, and download and execute malicious commands received from the C&C server, the results of which are zipped, encrypted, and exfiltrated to the server.

“One interesting aspect of dneSpy’s design is its C&C pivoting behavior,” Trend Micro researchers said. “The central C&C server’s response is actually the next-stage C&C server’s domain/IP, which dneSpy has to communicate with to receive further instructions.”

agfSpy, dneSpy’s counterpart, comes with its own C&C server mechanism that it uses to fetch shell commands and send the execution results back. Chief among its features include the capability to enumerate directories and list, upload, download, and execute files.

“Operation Earth Kitsune turned out to be complex and prolific, thanks to the variety of components it uses and the interactions between them,” the researchers concluded. “The campaign’s use of new samples to avoid detection by security products is also quite notable.”

“From the Chrome exploit shellcode to the agfSpy, elements in the operation are custom coded, indicating that there is a group behind this operation. This group seems to be highly active this year, and we predict that they will continue going in this direction for some time.”

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The Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, who broke the US spying scandal story, said he was censored for an article critical of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald said on Thursday he had resigned from The Intercept after the US investigative media outlet purportedly refused to publish his article critical of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

Greenwald, one of the first journalists to report on the Edward Snowden documents on 2013 US mass surveillance scandal, said he was leaving the website he started in 2014 with two other journalists.

“The final, precipitating cause is that The Intercept’s editors, in violation of my contractual right of editorial freedom, censored an article I wrote this week, refusing to publish it unless I remove all sections critical of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden,” Greenwald said in a Substack blog post.

Greenwald’s article accuses news outlets of pro-Biden bias in their standoffish coverage of corruption allegations against the former vice president’s son in a recent New York Post story.

The Post accused Hunter Biden of monetising access to his father in improper business dealings in Ukraine.

Twitter restricted the article’s spread amid questions over the “origins of the materials” on which it relied, including emails apparently sourced from a laptop left by Hunter Biden at a Delaware repair shop last year.

Facebook also restricted users ability on the link to the article, saying – along with several US news outlets – that there were questions over its veracity.

Greenwald, 53, left The Guardian in 2013 to set up The Intercept with the founder of eBay, Pierre Omidyar.

He accused it of the “same trends of repression, censorship and ideological homogeneity plaguing the national press”.

In response, The Intercept hit back at the Brazil-based journalist, calling him “a grown person throwing a tantrum”, and said it was he who had allowed his standards to drop.

“We have the greatest respect for the journalist Glenn Greenwald used to be, and we remain proud of much of the work we did with him over the past six years. It is Glenn who has strayed from his original journalistic roots, not The Intercept,” a statement from the website read.

“While he accuses us of political bias, it was he who was attempting to recycle the dubious claims of a political campaign – the Trump campaign – and launder them as journalism,” the statement added.

Greenwald released the most recent draft of the article in question; and in response to The Intercept’s statement, emails discussing the piece with the sites’ editors up until it was refused for publication.

Greenwald, who lives in Brazil, shared the Pulitzer in 2014 for his reporting on leaks by former NSA contractor Snowden about mass electronic surveillance programmes.

Earlier this year, federal prosecutors in the South American nation accused Greenwald of assisting a group of hackers who intercepted the phones of public officials involved in a major corruption inquiry involving the government of President Jair Bolsonaro.

Greenwald’s lawyers called the prosecutors’ allegations “bizarre” and said the accusations challenged the top court ruling protecting the journalist and freedom of the press in Brazil.

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Facebook’s number of monthly active users rose to 2.74 billion, but the company warned of a tougher 2021.

Facebook Inc on Thursday warned of a tougher 2021 despite beating analysts’ estimates for quarterly revenue as businesses adjusting to the global coronavirus pandemic continued to rely on the company’s digital ad tools.

The social media company said in its outlook that it faced “a significant amount of uncertainty”, citing impending privacy changes by Apple and a possible reversal in the shift to online commerce that was prompted by the pandemic.

“Considering that online commerce is our largest ad vertical, a change in this trend could serve as a headwind to our 2021 ad revenue growth,” it said.

Shares of the world’s biggest social network were flat in extended trading.

“It appears that investors are disappointed that despite user growth jumping across most regions during the quarter, the social media platform reported a decrease in users in North America, which covers the US and Canada,” said Jesse Cohen, senior analyst at

Total revenue, which primarily consists of ad sales, rose to $21.47bn from $17.65bn in the third quarter ending September 30, beating analysts’ estimates of $19.82bn, according to IBES data from Refinitiv.

Revenue growth at Facebook, the world’s second-biggest seller of online ads after Alphabet’s Google, had been cooling even prior to the pandemic as its business matured, although it still came in at more than 20 percent throughout 2019.

Still, compared to expectations, the company has had a bumper year due to surging use of its platforms by users stuck at home amid virus-related lockdowns, which cushioned online ad sales even as broader economic activity suffered.

A July ad boycott over Facebook’s handling of hate speech, which saw some of the social media giant’s biggest individual spenders press pause, barely made a dent in sales, which mostly come from small businesses.

Monthly active users rose to 2.74 billion, compared with estimates of 2.70 billion.

Total expenses increased 28 percent to $13.43bn, with costs continuing to grow as Facebook tries to quell criticism that its handling of user privacy and abusive content is lax.

The company has been under especially strong pressure ahead of next week’s US presidential election and is aiming to avoid a repeat of 2016, when Russia used its platforms to spread election-related misinformation.

Net income came in at $7.85bn, or $2.71 per share, compared with $6.09bn, or $2.12 per share, a year earlier. Analysts had expected a profit of $1.90 per share, according to IBES data from Refinitiv.

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You’ve probably run into a major problem when trying to scrape Google search results. Web scraping tools allow you to extract information from a web page. Companies and coders from across the world use them to download Google’s SERP data. And they work well – for a little while.

After several scrapes, Google’s automated security system kicks in. Then it kicks you out.

The standard was to bypass the block is to use a proxy. However, each proxy only allows a limited number of scrapes. That’s why Google SERP APIs are the perfect tool to overcome these limitations.

This article examines how to overcome Google web scraping issues without changing proxy servers.

Read on to learn more about web scraping. Discover the types of data you can extract. And how API web scraping tools can make your life a lot easier.

What Is Web Scraping?

Think of a website that you want to copy information from. How can you extract that data without entering the site on your browser and downloading the HTML source?

Web scraping is the process of automating the extraction of website content through software.

Most high-level languages like Python or Java can web scrape using a few lines of code. Data is then parsed and stored to be processed later.

Why Scrape Google SERPS?

Google has the highest search engine market share, so naturally, its search results are prime for scraping.

Companies and individuals use that information for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Ad verification
  • SEO rank tracking
  • Content aggregation
  • Lead generation

Once the information gets saved to a local database trend, it becomes easy to spot. For example, if a business wants to know if their SEO efforts are working, they can see their page placement over time.

Google Search results also contain feature snippets, shopping results, local search maps, and more. Scraping them provides a clear picture of how real-life users view SERPs from across the globe.

How Scraping SERPs Can Quickly Help You Uncover Damage Caused by a Hacker

I know, no one wants to think about the day that a hacker makes it past your security and starts tearing down all your hard work. SEO results that took years and years to build up can be destroyed in a few days.

When SEO professionals were surveyed, 48% of them said it took Google months to restore their original search results. They also ranked the damage from previous hacks to be severe more often than not.

Tracking your site’s SERPs gives you valuable insights into what’s happening with your rankings and how they can change during hacks. This makes it easier to ask Google to reinstate your previous positions. One person found that just 8 hours of downtime resulted in a 35% drop in SERP rankings.

Small businesses are particularly vulnerable. GoDaddy found that 90% of sites did not know that they carried Malware. Malware can consistently damage your search results and ultimately get you blacklisted.

Simply doing a regular scrape off all your SERPs and tracking the data historically can help you spot hacks as they happen and know exactly where the damage is most severe.

How to Web Scrape Google Search Results

Here’s a brief tutorial on how to web scrape Google using Python:

Use the code on this page and replace the New York MTA URL with The response object holds the results, and you can interrogate that data using the BeautifulSoup library.

Sounds simple? Not so fast.

Scraping content isn’t straightforward because of parsing issues and connection limitations.

Parsing and Proxy Problems

Parsing or organizing information is unique to each site because every page holds a different structure.

For Google Search, results aren’t always uniform, so parsing organic listings can often lead to strange results.

Google also changes its code over time, so what worked last month may no longer function today.

Robust web platforms like Google Search also don’t appreciate high-volume web scraping.

To counter the practice, they check the IP address of each user as they search. Those that act like a computer program are banned after eight attempts or so every twenty hours.

Cybersecurity Issues

For Google, the issue is one of cybersecurity.

They don’t want automated bots bypassing their own services. That would undermine the trust that their advertisers and stakeholders put in them.

To get around this problem, many coders employ a proxy solution.

A proxy provides a different IP address to Google, so the limits get ‘reset’. Yet they’re reset just once. After that, the proxy gets blocked, and another’s required.

Constantly changing proxies and parsing evolving data makes web scraping a nightmare. That’s why a better solution exists.

Google SERP APIs

Search Engine Results Pages or SERPs are easy to scrape by using the right API.

The Application Programming Interface lets you query Google as many times as you want without restrictions. All data gets returned in an organized JSON format to do as you please. You sign-up, get an API key, and start scraping.

One such company that offers a simple yet powerful Google Search API is Zenserp.

Their system bypasses the proxy management issues by rotating proxies automatically. They also ensure that you only receive valid responses.

Zenserp reviews of their best web scraping tools are rated five-stars. And they also offer other Google scraping services like the ones discussed next.

Benefits of Google SERP APIs

A good API scraping tool offers more than just search listings and ranking data.

Google provides a wide range of services, including:

  • image search
  • shopping search
  • image reverse search
  • trends, etc.

Data for image search APIs, for instance, display the thumbnail URLs and original image URLs. Because everything is JSON-based, that means results download quickly. You can then save the images as required.

Many businesses also want to track their competitors’ products through Google’s shopping search.

With a Google Shopping API, they can store prices, descriptions, etc. and keep one step ahead. Using a real-time system could automate pricing strategies, for example.

Advanced API Features

Not only does an API overcome the issues of changing proxies, but it also provides some advanced features.

Location-Based Results

Using the right API lets, you obtain location-based search engine results.

The selected IP address will originate from the country of your choice. That means you can see SERPs from Russia, Australia, the US, or anywhere directly from your workstation.

Large Data Sets

If your use-case requires a large set of results, then an API allows for this.

You can set multiple endpoints and automate each query. For example, Zendserp’s API lets you send thousands of queries a day. There are no limits.

Intelligent Parsers

We’ve highlighted the problems of parsing scraped content already. It’s difficult enough to extract the data you need but becomes more so as Google evolves.

Intelligent parsers adapt to the changing DOM of search result pages. That means you leave the hard work to the API to make sense of the information. No more having to rewrite code. Just wait for the JSON results and keep focused on your task.

Google SERP APIs and More at The Hacker News

In this article, we’ve highlighted the benefits of using Google SERP API scraping tools to bypass proxy limitations.

Using a simple endpoint system, you can now easily scrape results from Google Search. You’re no longer limited to a few requests before being denied.

And you can scrape other Google services like Images and News using a few lines of code on a tool like Zenserp.

Check out our other articles on bypassing known proxy issues. Then have your say and comment on this article when you join us on our social media feeds.

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An active botnet comprising hundreds of thousands of hijacked systems spread across 30 countries is exploiting “dozens of known vulnerabilities” to target widely-used content management systems (CMS).

The “KashmirBlack” campaign, which is believed to have started around November 2019, aims for popular CMS platforms such as WordPress, Joomla!, PrestaShop, Magneto, Drupal, Vbulletin, OsCommerence, OpenCart, and Yeager.

“Its well-designed infrastructure makes it easy to expand and add new exploits or payloads without much effort, and it uses sophisticated methods to camouflage itself, stay undetected, and protect its operation,” Imperva researchers said in a two-part analysis.

The cybersecurity firm’s six-month-long investigation into the botnet reveals a complex operation managed by one command-and-control (C2) server and more than 60 surrogate servers that communicate with the bots to send new targets, allowing it to expand the size of the botnet via brute force attacks and installation of backdoors.

The primary purpose of KashmirBlack is to abuse resources of compromised systems for Monero cryptocurrency mining and redirect a website’s legitimate traffic to spam pages. But it has also been leveraged to carry out defacement attacks.

Regardless of the motive, the exploitation attempts begin with making use of PHPUnit RCE vulnerability (CVE-2017-9841) to infect customers with next-stage malicious payloads that communicate with the C2 server.

Based on the attack signature it found during once such defacements, Imperva researchers said they believed the botnet was the work of a hacker named Exect1337, a member of the Indonesian hacker crew PhantomGhost.

KashmirBlack’s infrastructure is complex and comprises a number of moving parts, including two separate repositories — one to host exploits and payloads, and the other to store the malicious script for communication with the C2 server.

The bots themselves are either designated as a ‘spreading bot,’ a victim server that communicates with the C2 to receive commands to infect new victims, or a ‘pending bot,’ a newly compromised victim whose purpose in the botnet is yet to be defined.

While CVE-2017-9841 is used to turn a victim into a spreading bot, successful exploitation of 15 different flaws in CMS systems leads to a victim site becoming a new pending bot in the botnet. A separate WebDAV file upload vulnerability has been employed by the KashmirBlack operators to result in defacement.

But just as the botnet grew in size and more bots began fetching payloads from the repositories, the infrastructure was tweaked to make it more scalable by adding a load balancer entity that returns the address of one of the redundant repositories that were newly setup.

The latest evolution of KashmirBlack is perhaps the most insidious one. Last month, the researchers found the botnet using Dropbox as a replacement for its C2 infrastructure, abusing the cloud storage service’s API to fetch attack instructions and upload attack reports from the spreading bots.

“Moving to Dropbox allows the botnet to hide illegitimate criminal activity behind legitimate web services,” Imperva said. “It is yet another step towards camouflaging the botnet traffic, securing the C&C operation and, most importantly, making it difficult to trace the botnet back to the hacker behind the operation.”

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The air force chief announced that all F-5Es are now grounded, and training flights cancelled pending an investigation.

A Taiwanese air force pilot died during a routine training mission after ejecting from a malfunctioning F-5E jet, in the second fatal air crash in three months.

The accident took place on Thursday morning after pilot Chu Kuang-meng reported an engine malfunction shortly after the takeoff, according to the Ministry of National Defense (MND), Taiwan’s Military News Agency reported.

The 29-year-old was rescued from the seas off Taiwan’s southeastern coast by a navy helicopter and brought to the Mackay Memorial Hospital where he died, the news agency reported air force Major General Huang Chih-wei as saying.

President Tsai Ing-wen expressed “deep regret” over the loss and called on the MND to carry out a thorough investigation into the reasons for the accident, the state-owned Central News Agency reported.

The air force chief announced that all F-5Es had been grounded and an investigation launched.

The crash comes as Chinese fighter jets and bombers have entered Taiwan’s air defence zone with increasing frequency in recent months, while propaganda films have shown simulated attacks on Taiwan-like territories.

The island says it has scrambled its fighters at double the rate of last year in an effort to warn off Chinese jets.

Analysts say China’s increased buzzing of Taiwan is a way to test the island’s defence responses and to wear out its fighters.

The F-5E is an older generation fighter with a design that dates back to the 1960s.

In July, two crew members were killed in a helicopter crash as Taiwan’s military held drills across the island, including one simulating coastal assaults from China.

Taiwan has lived with the threat of invasion by China since the two sides split in 1949 after a civil war.

Beijing has ramped up diplomatic and military pressure on Taiwan, officially known as the Republic of China, since the 2016 election of President Tsai, who views the island as a de facto sovereign nation and not part of the “One China” policy.

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The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Departments of Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a joint alert Wednesday warning of an “imminent” increase in ransomware and other cyberattacks against hospitals and healthcare providers.

“Malicious cyber actors are targeting the [Healthcare and Public Health] Sector with TrickBot malware, often leading to ransomware attacks, data theft, and the disruption of healthcare services,” the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency said in its advisory.

The infamous botnet typically spreads via malicious spam email to unsuspecting recipients and can steal financial and personal data and drop other software, such as ransomware, onto infected systems.

It’s worth noting that cybercriminals have already used TrickBot against a major healthcare provider, Universal Health Services, whose systems were crippled by Ryuk ransomware late last month.

TrickBot has also seen a severe disruption to its infrastructure in recent weeks, what with Microsoft orchestrating a coordinated takedown to make its command-and-control (C2) servers inaccessible.

“The challenge here is because of the attempted takedowns, the TrickBot infrastructure has changed and we don’t have the same telemetry we had before,” Hold Security’s Alex Holden told The New York Times.

Although the federal report doesn’t name any threat actor, the advisory makes a note of TrickBot’s new Anchor backdoor framework, which has been recently ported to Linux to target more high-profile victims.

“These attacks often involved data exfiltration from networks and point-of-sale devices,” CISA said. “As part of the new Anchor toolset, Trickbot developers created Anchor_DNS, a tool for sending and receiving data from victim machines using Domain Name System (DNS) tunneling.”

As The Hacker News reported yesterday, Anchor_DNS is a backdoor that allows victim machines to communicate with C2 servers via DNS tunneling to evade network defense products and make their communications blend in with legitimate DNS traffic.

Also coinciding with the warning is a separate report by FireEye, which has called out a financially-motivated threat group it calls “UNC1878” for the deployment of Ryuk ransomware in a series of campaigns directed against hospitals, retirement communities, and medical centers.

Urging the HPH sector to patch operating systems and implement network segmentation, CISA also recommended not paying ransoms, adding it may encourage bad actors to target additional organizations.

“Regularly back up data, air gap, and password protect backup copies offline,” the agency said. “Implement a recovery plan to maintain and retain multiple copies of sensitive or proprietary data and servers in a physically separate, secure location.”

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Authorities release video of a deserted newborn baby discovered by paramedics at Hamad International Airport.

Authorities have released footage of the moment a newborn baby girl was found abandoned at Qatar’s main airport on October 2.

The one-minute, 17-second security camera footage, obtained on Wednesday by local website Doha News, shows the infant wrapped in a blue blanket as she was discovered by paramedics at Hamad International Airport.

“The footage surfaced just hours after Doha confirmed the launch of an immediate inquiry into the incident,” Doha News said in its report.

The baby was recovered from a toilet where she was “concealed in a plastic bag and buried under garbage”, according to a statement by the Government Communications Office.

An immediate inquiry was launched into the incident, which saw at least 13 female Australian passengers subjected to internal exams – a move Qatar’s government called “offensive” and “grossly inappropriate”.  Australia’s Foreign Minister Marise Payne said female passengers on 10 flights were affected.

A spokesperson for Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade told Al Jazeera that “18 female passengers … were involved in the incident” on an October 2 flight to Sydney, adding 13 were Australian and five were of other nationalities.

The women, on board the Qatar Airways flight bound for Sydney, “had their genitals invasively examined without their consent”, the Seven News network reported on Sunday, adding the passengers were not given an explanation before the “strip searches” began.

One man on board the flight, QR908, told Australia’s ABC News that many of the women who were taken off the flight for the examination were visibly upset on their return.

“One of them was in tears, a younger woman, and people couldn’t believe what had happened,” Wolfgang Babeck said.

The Transport Workers’ Union of New South Wales, whose members service Qatar Airways planes at Sydney Airport, said on Tuesday it was considering industrial action against the carrier for “the brutal attack on the human rights of Australian female airline passengers”.

“Other countries affected absolutely share Australia’s views and the strength of Australia’s views,” said Frances Adamson, secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. “This is not by any standard normal behaviour and the Qataris recognise that and are appalled by it, do not want it to happen again.”

In a statement on Wednesday, Doha condemned the inappropriate conduct and said it “regrets any distress or infringement on the personal freedoms of any traveller caused by this action”.

Authorities are now searching for the woman in a criminal case that could be attempted murder.

The Qatar Government Communications Office said the baby is “now safe under medical care in Doha”.

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Many companies rely on Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) solutions as their primary security tool to protect their organizations against cyber threats.

EDR was introduced around eight years ago, and analysts now peg the EDR market size as $1.5 to $2.0 billion in annual revenue globally, expecting it to quadruple over the next five years. The recent introduction of Extended Detection and Response (XDR) solutions, however, will certainly cut into a significant portion of that spend.

A new provocative eBook: “5 Questions to Determine: Is Your EDR Providing the Best Bang for Your Buck?” (Download here) helps security executives who currently use an EDR solutionת determine if they’re continuing to get their “bang for the buck” from their EDR provider when compared to newer, equally-priced technologies as XDR. It’s also an excellent resource for companies who are in the steps of choosing an EDR solution to deploy.

A live webinar around the same topic will be held in the next few weeks; register for the webinar here.

The five questions to ask

Let’s quickly look at the five questions you should ask to help decide if you should stay with your EDR solution or consider upgrading to an XDR solution. Read in the Cynet eBook the discussion of how alternative approaches might improve on the capabilities of your current EDR solution.

1. Does your EDR provide sufficient visibility and protection?

EDR solutions focus on endpoint threats and have been highly valuable in preventing and detecting many forms of endpoint attacks. But today, new advanced threats are able to bypass your EDR.

For example, could your EDR solution detect the lateral movement of a successful attacker that has successfully bypassed EDR and is now probing your network for higher value assets? Does your EDR solution detect malicious insider activities that could lead to a data breach?

2. Does your EDR provide automated playbooks to take all necessary remediation actions across endpoints, networks, and users to eliminate threats fully?

Many EDR tools can detect and remediate a variety of endpoint threats automatically. For example, EDR solutions might automatically perform specific file remediation actions (delete, quarantine, kill the process) and host remediation actions (isolate, run command, run script).

Full remediation sometimes requires actions to be taken at the network and users levels.

Does your EDR provide full host remediations beyond those listed above (ex., restart, change IP, deletedisable service)? Does your EDR apply remediation actions to networks (ex., block traffic, clear DNS cache), users (ex., disable/enable, reset password), and other environment components (ex., firewall, proxy, active directory)?

3. Does your EDR solution provide automated investigation and response actions?

EDR platforms detect threats and then apply remediation actions to address the identified threat. Then what? An identified and remediated threat should not represent the end of the process. Any alert generated by your EDR solution may be indicative of a larger, more serious security incident and therefore warrants some level of investigation – even if the threat itself was remediated. And how do you know the remediated threat did not perform a malicious action prior to it being discovered and terminated?

Does your EDR automatically investigate high-risk threats to determine the root cause and full extent of the attack across your environment? Can your EDR automatically take remediation actions to eradicate all components of the attack fully?

4. Does your EDR vendor charge extra for MDR services?

Larger enterprises can leverage Managed Detection and Response (MDR) to help overburdened security staff and augment their skills.

Smaller enterprises can leverage MDR service to add missing cybersecurity expertise and Incident Response tools.

Does your EDR vendor provide optional MDR services for a fee? And if so, does it include:

  • Proactive 24×7 monitoring of your environment to ensure no threats are overlooked?
  • Full guidance on implementing the remediation actions necessary to eliminate detected threats?
  • Ad-hoc research on suspicious files and any other questions your security team may have?

5. Does your EDR solution include Deception Technology?

Large enterprises rely on Deception technology to detect attackers that have successfully infiltrated the environment. Deception technology uses decoy hosts, files, networks, etc. that, when accessed by an attacker, expose their presence. While Deception technology is very beneficial, it’s expensive, difficult to deploy and manage, and usually only leveraged by large enterprises with deep pockets.

Does your EDR solution provide Deception technology? Is your organization prepared to add another layer of security technology on top of the existing stack?

To summarize:

Security organizations always seem to be under-budgeted and understaffed. And, they’re generally too busy to take a step back and re-evaluate their approach. An emerging trend in security is around the consolidation of technologies and automation of manual processes. Newer XDR solutions check these boxes and could very likely provide more value than your current EDR solution, without the need to increase your budget.

Download the eBook: “5 Questions to Determine: Is Your EDR Providing the Best Bang for Your Buck?” here.

Register for the webinar here.

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More than a week after the gruesome murder of French teacher Samuel Paty by a Chechen refugee, France remains gripped by shock, hatred and despair. The terrorist attack, which followed Paty’s decision to show the controversial Charlie Hebdo caricatures of Prophet Muhammad in class, has intensified anti-Muslim sentiments.

Once again, France’s Muslim citizens find themselves at the heart of a debate that holds their religion and its symbols in contempt and smears and vilifies them in the political sphere, mainstream media and social media networks. And once again the ruling elite and a large part of the French society are in denial about the true roots of radicalisation.

But this time around, it seems the head of state is particularly intent on fanning the flames of Islamophobia. President Emmanuel Macron feels his electorate is abandoning him and thinks the only thing he that can save his political career is taking a page out of the far right’s playbook.

Macron’s faltering support

It is worth pointing out that the attack comes as France is suffering from a long-term social crisis that has been made worse by the failed policies of Macron’s government. Popular anger has reached the boiling point and manifested itself in street protests. In the spring of 2018, major public sector strikes took place followed by the Gilets Jaunes (yellow vests) protests in fall.

Then throughout 2019, there were major demonstrations against pension reforms, fuel-price hikes, police violence, and unemployment. The year ended with one of the longest public transportation strikes in French history, which paralysed the country.

This upheaval brought Macron’s ratings from approximately 60 percent when he was elected in May 2017 to 23 percent in December 2018. Before the pandemic mobilised French society earlier this year, the French president had the approval of about 33 percent of the people.

The slight gains Macron made at the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis did not help his party in the June municipal elections, where it suffered a crushing defeat by the Greens movement in a number of large French cities.

The presidential election is scheduled for April 2022, and the French president is seemingly running out of time to come up with something that can help secure his re-election. His latest desperate attempt at gaining political ground – specifically at the expense of the far right – seems to be his decision to come after the Muslim community in France. He knows that anything that has to do with attacking Muslims galvanises the supporters of the far right and its racist and anti-Muslim agenda, as well as perhaps a good segment of the French left.

Thus, in early October, Macron made a special address to the nation in which he insisted that Islam “is in crisis” and that he was going to “liberate” it from foreign influences.

When the murder of Paty took place less than two weeks later, the French president was quick to seize the moment and declare he was going to take action to eradicate “Islamist extremism” in France.

A kneejerk reaction

In the aftermath of the attack, Macron and his government launched a crackdown on Muslim civil society – or what they called “extremists”. Among the measures they took were “several dozen concrete actions … against organisations, associations or individuals who carry a project of radical Islamism”.

As a result, more than 50 charities – including the Collective Against Islamophobia in France (CCIF), a mainstream organisation that combats Islamophobia – dubbed by Minister of the Interior Gerald Darmanin as “enemies of the Republic”, may face dissolution.

Throughout the process, Macron and his government have kept up their Islamophobic rhetoric, setting the tone for the public debate on the terror attack.

Thus a chorus of media pundits and politicians across the political spectrum have apparently united in the conviction that the French “values” are under threat and that the general population needs to mobilise for a fight. “It is wartime!” declared one magazine on its front cover. “To arms, citizens” tweeted MP Meyer Habib, deputy chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee at the National Assembly, using a phrase from the French national anthem.

The “weapons” some suggested should be used in this “war” include the rescinding of citizenship, obligation to adopt French first names, the reinstatement of the death penalty, etc.

This belligerent rhetoric did not spare public figures who have come out in defence of the French Muslim community. In a TV debate, writer Pascal Bruckner accused journalist Rokhaya Diallo, whom he identified as a “Black Muslim woman” of having, through her words “led to the death of Charlie Hebdo’s 12 cartoonists”.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, head of the France Insoumise (Unbowed France) party, has also faced a smear campaign since he has been warning against the stigmatisation of Muslims. He has been accused by the political establishment of being an Islamo-leftist in an attempt to undermine the Left by associating it with “Islamism”, which has a very negative connotation in the minds of the French majority.

Coincidentally or not, Mélenchon had emerged as a potential challenger to Macron in the next presidential election. If this character assassination campaign against him succeeds, Macron may have an easier time securing re-election.

The real problem

Amid this cacophony of Islamophobia and electoral scheming, the crux of the matter has not really been addressed.

For well over two decades, the French state has been moving in a vicious circle in its relationship with its Muslim citizens.

The state still does not acknowledge the fact that Islam is a religion of France, that it is not wise to systematically remind or refer to French Muslims by their racial or geographic origins, and that French Muslim issues are inherently French issues.

The state does not want to recognise the fact that there is no empirical evidence to suggest that religion is a primary motivator for violent extremism and that radicalisation is a social phenomenon.

It continues to use terrorist incidents as a distraction from its own failed policies towards French Muslim citizens which have led to the marginalisation and alienation of an entire community.

The state has done little to address job and housing discrimination, police brutality, poverty and everyday racism and yet it accuses the French Muslim community of failing to “integrate” or even of “separatism”.

It has relied on a security-centred approach in which Islam has been systematically perceived as an evil that society should confront, and Muslims as a threat to the way of life and to fundamental rights, such as freedom of expression.

For the majority of Muslims, the most blatant bias is that when it comes to criticising or mocking Islam and its symbols, the establishment’s definition of freedom of expression is universal, absolute and indisputable. While insisting that Muslims embrace criticism and mockery of what is sacred to them, it has very little tolerance for criticism of Israel, Israeli policies and Zionism.

If anything, it appears that it is the state rather than the Muslim citizens that is “separating” itself from a segment of society and is insisting on treating them as outsiders. It clearly does not want to acknowledge that multiculturalism is an integral part of French society and should be embraced as such.

Unfortunately, as long as the French state considers its Muslim citizens a “fifth column” and excludes them from its battle against extremism; and as long as the political establishment uses heinous terror attacks to make political gains ahead of elections, we will continue to be light years away from the Republic’s core principles of social cohesion, civil peace and dialogue.

The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera’s editorial stance.

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Efforts to disrupt TrickBot may have shut down most of its critical infrastructure, but the operators behind the notorious malware aren’t sitting idle.

According to new findings shared by cybersecurity firm Netscout, TrickBot’s authors have moved portions of their code to Linux in an attempt to widen the scope of victims that could be targeted.

TrickBot, a financial Trojan first detected in 2016, has been traditionally a Windows-based crimeware solution, employing different modules to perform a wide range of malicious activities on target networks, including credential theft and perpetrate ransomware attacks.

But over the past few weeks, twin efforts led by the US Cyber Command and Microsoft have helped to eliminate 94% of TrickBot’s command-and-control (C2) servers that were in use and the new infrastructure the criminals operating TrickBot attempted to bring online to replace the previously disabled servers.

Despite the steps taken to impede TrickBot, Microsoft cautioned that the threat actors behind the botnet would likely make efforts to revive their operations.

TrickBot’s Anchor Module

At the end of 2019, a new TrickBot backdoor framework called Anchor was discovered using the DNS protocol to communicate with C2 servers stealthily.

The module “allows the actors — potential TrickBot customers — to leverage this framework against higher-profile victims, said SentinelOne, adding the “ability to seamlessly integrate the APT into a monetization business model is evidence of a quantum shift.”

Indeed, IBM X-Force spotted new cyberattacks earlier this April revealing collaboration between FIN6 and TrickBot groups to deploy the Anchor framework against organizations for financial profit.

The variant, dubbed “Anchor_DNS,” enables the infected client to utilize DNS tunneling to establish communications with the C2 server, which in turn transmits data with resolved IPs as a response, NTT researchers said in a 2019 report.

But a new sample uncovered by Stage 2 Security researcher Waylon Grange in July found that Anchor_DNS has been ported to a new Linux backdoor version called “Anchor_Linux.”

“Often delivered as part of a zip, this malware is a lightweight Linux backdoor,” Grange said. “Upon execution it installs itself as a cron job, determines the public IP [address] for the host and then begins to beacon via DNS queries to its C2 server.”

How the C2 Communication Works Using Anchor

Netscout’s latest research decodes this flow of communication between the bot and the C2 server. During the initial setup phase, the client sends “c2_command 0” to the server along with information about the compromised system and the bot ID, which then responds with the message “signal /1/” back to the bot.

As an acknowledgment, the bot sends the same message back to the C2, following which the server remotely issues the command to be executed on the client. In the last step, the bot sends back the result of the execution to the C2 server.

“Every part of communication made to the C2 follows a sequence of 3 different DNS queries,” Netscout security researcher Suweera De Souza said.


A list of IP records denoting the data corresponding to the payload

The result of the third query is a list of IP addresses that are subsequently parsed by the client to build the executable payload.

The last piece of data sent by the C2 server corresponds to a range of commands (numbered 0-14 in Windows, and 0-4, 10-12, and 100 in Linux) for the bot to execute the payload via cmd.exe or by injecting it into multiple running processes such as Windows File Explorer or Notepad.

“The complexity of Anchor’s C2 communication and the payloads that the bot can execute reflect not only a portion of the Trickbot actors’ considerable capabilities, but also their ability to constantly innovate, as evidenced by their move to Linux,” De Souza said.

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A court in Lagos throws out a case against men charged with public displays of affection with members of the same sex.

A judge in a Nigerian court has thrown out a case against 47 men charged with public displays of affection with members of the same sex, ending what had widely been seen as a test of the country’s laws banning homosexual relationships.

The Nigerian law banning gay marriage, punishable by up to 14 years in prison, and same-sex “amorous relationships”, prompted an international outcry when it came into force under former President Goodluck Jonathan in 2014.

The men were arrested in a police raid on a Lagos hotel in the city’s Egbeda district in 2018. Police said the men were being initiated into a gay club, but the defendants said they were attending a birthday party.

Prosecution and defence lawyers in the case had told Reuters News Agency that nobody had yet been convicted under the law, which led to the case of the men being widely seen as a test case that could help to establish the burden of proof.

‘Lack of diligent prosecution’

Prosecutors failed to attend Tuesday’s hearing at the federal high court in Lagos, having previously failed to present some of their witnesses in a case that had been adjourned on several occasions.

Justice Rilwan Aikawa struck out the case and said he had done so due to the “lack of diligent prosecution”.

The specific charge the men faced, relating to public displays of affection, carries a 10-year prison sentence.

Outside the court, many of the men smiled and cheered, including dancer James Brown who, smiling, said: “I am free. It means a lot of good things.”

Under Nigerian law, defendants in a case that is struck out can be re-arrested and arraigned again on the same charge, whereas that is not possible in cases that have been dismissed.

Taxi driver Onyeka Oguaghamba, a father-of-four who said he merely drove people to the party, said he was happy the case had been struck out but disappointed that it was not dismissed entirely.

“I am not happy, because I’m looking for the matter to end in a way that people will see me and believe what I have been saying from the beginning,” he said, adding that the decision meant he could be charged again.


Oguaghamba and others previously told Reuters that they had been stigmatised as a result of the raid and a televised news conference held by police in which they were identified the day after their arrest.

Chris Agiriga, another of the men, said the striking out of the case would not help him to be reconciled with his family who had rejected him over the matter.

“Since the past two years, this has caused a lot of damage in my life,” he said.

Emmanuel Sadi, a programme officer with rights group the Initiative for Equal Rights (TIERS), said the outcome of the case raised questions about the law used to charge the men.

“You can’t even build a case around it,” he said. “I hope they (the government) realise how redundant it is as a law, and they are open to removing or repealing it,” he said.

Homosexuality is outlawed in many socially conservative African societies where some religious groups brand it a corrupting Western import.

Gay sex is a crime in countries across the continent, with punishments ranging from imprisonment to death.

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A court in Lagos throws out a case against men charged with public displays of affection with members of the same sex.

A judge in a Nigerian court has thrown out a case against 47 men charged with public displays of affection with members of the same sex, ending what had widely been seen as a test of the country’s laws banning homosexual relationships.

The Nigerian law banning gay marriage, punishable by up to 14 years in prison, and same-sex “amorous relationships”, prompted an international outcry when it came into force under former President Goodluck Jonathan in 2014.

The men were arrested in a police raid on a Lagos hotel in the city’s Egbeda district in 2018. Police said the men were being initiated into a gay club, but the defendants said they were attending a birthday party.

Prosecution and defence lawyers in the case had told Reuters News Agency that nobody had yet been convicted under the law, which led to the case of the men being widely seen as a test case that could help to establish the burden of proof.

‘Lack of diligent prosecution’

Prosecutors failed to attend Tuesday’s hearing at the federal high court in Lagos, having previously failed to present some of their witnesses in a case that had been adjourned on several occasions.

Justice Rilwan Aikawa struck out the case and said he had done so due to the “lack of diligent prosecution”.

The specific charge the men faced, relating to public displays of affection, carries a 10-year prison sentence.

Outside the court, many of the men smiled and cheered, including dancer James Brown who, smiling, said: “I am free. It means a lot of good things.”

Under Nigerian law, defendants in a case that is struck out can be re-arrested and arraigned again on the same charge, whereas that is not possible in cases that have been dismissed.

Taxi driver Onyeka Oguaghamba, a father-of-four who said he merely drove people to the party, said he was happy the case had been struck out but disappointed that it was not dismissed entirely.

“I am not happy, because I’m looking for the matter to end in a way that people will see me and believe what I have been saying from the beginning,” he said, adding that the decision meant he could be charged again.


Oguaghamba and others previously told Reuters that they had been stigmatised as a result of the raid and a televised news conference held by police in which they were identified the day after their arrest.

Chris Agiriga, another of the men, said the striking out of the case would not help him to be reconciled with his family who had rejected him over the matter.

“Since the past two years, this has caused a lot of damage in my life,” he said.

Emmanuel Sadi, a programme officer with rights group the Initiative for Equal Rights (TIERS), said the outcome of the case raised questions about the law used to charge the men.

“You can’t even build a case around it,” he said. “I hope they (the government) realise how redundant it is as a law, and they are open to removing or repealing it,” he said.

Homosexuality is outlawed in many socially conservative African societies where some religious groups brand it a corrupting Western import.

Gay sex is a crime in countries across the continent, with punishments ranging from imprisonment to death.

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Google has stepped in to remove several Android applications from the official Play Store following the disclosure that the apps in question were found to serve intrusive ads.

The findings were reported by the Czech cybersecurity firm Avast on Monday, which said the 21 malicious apps (list here) were downloaded nearly eight million times from Google’s app marketplace.

The apps masqueraded as harmless gaming apps and came packed with HiddenAds malware, a notorious Trojan known for its capabilities to serve intrusive ads outside of the app. The group behind the operation relies on social media channels to lure users into downloading the apps.

Earlier this June, Avast discovered a similar HiddenAds campaign involving 47 gaming apps with over 15 million downloads that were leveraged to display device-wide intrusive ads.

“Developers of adware are increasingly using social media channels, like regular marketers would,” Avast’s Jakub Vávra said. “This time, users reported they were targeted with ads promoting the games on YouTube.”

google android adware malware apps

“In September, we saw adware spread via TikTok. The popularity of these social networks make them an attractive advertising platform, also for cybercriminals, to target a younger audience.”

Once installed, the apps not only hide their icons to prevent deletion but also hide behind relevant-looking advertisements, making them hard to identify.

In addition, the apps also have the ability to draw over other apps to show timed ads that cannot be skipped, and in some cases, even open the browser to bombard users with ads.

Although such apps can be uninstalled through the app manager features of the device, it puts the onus on the users to search for the exact app that’s the source of the ads and remove them.

Google, for its part, has been actively trying to stop rogue Android apps from infiltrating the Google Play Store. It has leveraged Google Play Protect as a means to screen potentially harmful applications and also forged an “App Defense Alliance” last year in partnership with cybersecurity firms ESET, Lookout, and Zimperium to reduce the risk of app-based malware.

If anything, the latest news is another reason why users need to scrutinize the reviews, developer details, and the list of requested permissions before installing any app.

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Fast-spreading wildfires have forced evacuation orders for more than 100,000 people and seriously injured two firefighters in Southern California as powerful winds across the state prompted a power outage to hundreds of thousands of residents.

Some 60,000 people fled their homes near Los Angeles on Monday as the wildfire raged across more than 3,000 hectares (7,200 acres), blocking key roads in Orange County.

The so-called Silverado Fire broke out early in the morning in the foothills of Irvine, 60 kilometres (about 37 miles) southeast of Los Angeles, and quickly spread unchecked, fueled by dry conditions and erratic winds that prevented firefighting aircraft from flying.

“It’s nuts – even inside the car, my eyes, my nose and my throat stung,” said Frederic Tournadre, a French man whose company in Irvine sent all its employees home.

The inferno nearly quadrupled in size by afternoon, jumping a highway and covering the area with a huge plume of smoke and ash.

The latest threats came amid what meteorologists called the strongest onslaught of extreme winds – and lowest humidity levels – documented yet in a California wildfire season ranked as the worst on record in terms of acreage burned.

Fires have scorched more than 16,500sq km (6,400 square miles) – an area equivalent to the landmass of the state of Hawaii – since the start of the year, with thousands of homes destroyed and 31 lives lost.

Some 90,800 residents were ordered to evacuate homes in and around Irvine [Etienne Laurent/EPA]

Cause of the blaze

In a report to the state Public Utilities Commission, utility company Southern California Edison said it was investigating whether its electrical equipment caused the blaze. The brief report said it appeared that a “lashing wire” that tied a telecommunications line to a support cable may have struck a 12,000-volt conducting line above it, and an investigation was under way.

SCE reported shutting off electricity to 21,000 homes and businesses as a precautionary measure in the face of elevated fire risks posed by dangerous winds.

Red-flag warnings for incendiary weather conditions remained in place across much of California due to winds gusting in excess of 129km/h (80mph), according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.

An estimated 1,170 homes were under evacuation orders from the Blueridge fire, a second Orange County blaze that broke near Yorba Linda [Ringo Chiu/Reuters]

Some 90,800 residents were ordered to evacuate their homes in and around the city of Irvine as the fire raged largely unchecked through drought-parched brush in the canyons and foothills of the Santa Ana Mountains south of Los Angeles, officials said.

Two firefighters among some 500 personnel battling the flames with bulldozers and hand tools were hospitalized with severe burns, authorities said.

No property losses were immediately reported.

A second Orange County blaze, the Blueridge fire, later broke out near Yorba Linda and has charred roughly 485 hectares (1,200 acres), Nguyen said. Local television news footage showed at least one home gutted by flames.

An estimated 1,170 homes were under evacuation orders from that blaze, the county fire authority said on Twitter late on Monday.

Hundreds of miles away, the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) said it had cut off power to more than 350,000 of its customers for the same reason.

‘It’s the strongest wind event, and the lowest humidity event, for this fire season,’ said National Weather Service forecaster Jim Mathew [Robyn Beck/AFP]

Wind-damaged electrical lines have been implicated in causing dozens of devastating California wildfires in recent years, and utilities have increasingly resorted to such “public safety power shutoffs” to reduce the risk.

Wind gusts were clocked at up to 143km/h (89mph) in Sonoma County wine country north of San Francisco Bay and were steadily blowing at more than 80km/h (50mph) elsewhere in the region.

“It’s the strongest wind event, and the lowest humidity event, for this fire season,” National Weather Service forecaster Jim Mathews told Reuters.

By midday Monday, PG&E said it was beginning to restore services to some customers “where it is safe to do so,” with most of the shutoffs expected to be ended by Tuesday night as winds abated.

The latest outbreak of fires caps a summer of record California wildfire activity stoked by increasingly frequent and prolonged bouts of extreme heat, drought, wind and dry lightning storms that scientists point to as a consequence of climate change.

The two blazes combined have so far blackened well over a quarter of a million acres [Etienne Laurent/EPA]

Further east, in drought-stricken Colorado, an Arctic storm sweeping the Rockies over the weekend dumped 15 to 40cm (6 to 16 inches) of snow on the two largest wildfires in that state’s history.

“The snow has improved our chances of getting them contained, but we’re still a way off,” said Larry Helmerick, spokesman for the Rocky Mountain Area Coordination Center.

The two blazes combined have so far blackened well over a quarter of a million acres.

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