
Guatemala sends back some 3,500 migrants amid COVID-19 concerns | Honduras

President Giammattei said the caravan could raise the risk of coronavirus contagion.

Guatemala has sent back almost 3,500 Honduran migrants from a caravan that was heading to the United States over concerns they might spread COVID-19.

In a televised message broadcast on Sunday, President Alejandro Giammattei said Guatemalan security forces were able to “contain” the caravan which he said was a factor in the transmission of the virus.

“We are experiencing a pandemic in Guatemala which has cost us to control with months of efforts,” said Giammattei before adding it was an “obligation” to reduce the risk of further contagion.

According to the Guatemalan Migration Institute (IGM), the caravan entered eastern Guatemala on Thursday, pushing over a military cordon on the Corinto border before splitting into groups to reach Mexico, which has closed its borders.

In recent years, thousands of Central American migrants travelling in large groups have crossed into Mexico, with the aim of reaching the US border.

Honduran migrants rest at the Corinto border crossing checkpoint between Guatemala and Honduras, on their way home after trying to reach the US [Luis Echeverria/Reuters]

The migrants have become a hot-button issue for political conservatives in the US, including President Donald Trump’s support base.

Trump, who is seeking a second term in the November 3 election, has threatened Mexico with steep tariffs if it does not do more to stop a surge of undocumented migrants.

By Friday and Saturday, hundreds of Guatemalan police and military personnel had set up roadblocks forcing migrants, including young children and people in wheelchairs, to turn back.

Fifteen people from the caravan requested refuge in Guatemala, according to the IGM.

COVID-19 has infected 93,963 people and killed 3,293 since March in Guatemala, a country of about 17 million inhabitants.

The country began reopening in July after four months of restrictions to curb the pandemic.

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