
A Guy From 19th Century Took Secret Photos on the Streets, and It’s the First Time We’ve Seen So Many Victorians Smiling

A Guy From 19th Century Took Secret Photos on the Streets, and It’s the First Time We’ve Seen So Many Victorians Smiling

Norwegian Fredrik Carl Mülertz Størmer is mostly famous for being a genius mathematician and astrophysicist who even has a theorem named after him. His accomplishments were so outstanding that he was named a knight in his country by the king of Norway. However, during his college years in 1890, the 19-year-old student took his photography hobby to another level and captured some photographs that are considered a historical treasure.

Bright Side has prepared a quick journey to the 19th century so you can see for yourself that smiles were everywhere. Don’t miss the bonus to see Carl’s selfie and what his camera looked like!

1. With a camera hidden inside his vest, he caught pictures of Oslo’s unaware pedestrians.

2. He revealed what Victorian people really looked like every day.

3. No serious portrait faces here

4. Walking sticks weren’t just for the elderly.

5. That’s a peculiar hat.

6. Nice puffy sleeves, don’t miss the bicycle by the way.

7. Coats haven’t changed that much.

8. A man in a suit laying in a park

9. Corsets helped women to achieve a tiny waist, we can’t breathe just by looking at this one.

10. Is this the oldest cat on the internet?

11. Girls today would be like: “Don’t post that pic, I’m not even looking at the camera.”

12. You can even tell that they’re surprised Carl is approaching them on the streets.

13. Handsomeness in the 1890s

14. What books were they reading?

15. The guy is having fun, while the girl doesn’t know what to make of Carl.

16. Sailing with some drinks and food, don’t forget the basket!

17. Young dandies right here

18. Does anyone want to make this a thing again?

19. 19th century laughter

20. You would’ve expected the streets to be dirty, but this looks pretty clean for a 19th century road.

21. Someone likes Carl.

22. Nice to meet you too, sir.

23. Men in uniform always look good, no matter what year it is.

24. Carl must’ve been funny.

25. Probably the happiest Victorian

BONUS: Carl’s selfie and camera

That last guy looks so elegant and cool at the same time, it’s incredible that he lived around 130 years ago. Which era would you like to travel to if you had the choice? Tell us why in the comment section!

Preview photo credit Norsk Folkemuseum, Norsk Folkemuseum

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