
People Share Photos of Their Airport Experiences That’ll Startle Anyone

People Share Photos of Their Airport Experiences That’ll Startle Anyone


There must be so many interesting stories that happen in airports and on planes. You can meet celebrities, get stuck for several days, or you may even find an owl. In this article, you’ll see pictures that prove aviation is a whole other world.

We at Bright Side love finding interesting pics for you of people who want to share what happened to them during a routine flight.

1. Transportation of horses on a cargo plane

2. It seems like we might get delayed.

3. “I’m on a 13-hour flight from LA to Shanghai.”

4. “This pilot is washing his own windshield.”

5. “The inside of a Boeing 747 cargo plane”

6. It’s one way to meet celebrities.

7. “I had a wonderful guest with me on a flight.”

8. When all flights in and out are cancelled:

9. “I saw Christopher Walken at the airport.”

10. Her luggage is not going to get lost.

11. This cutie was found in the airport.

12. Prototype for the ultra-economy flight seating

13. He just likes to “keep the workplace fun.”

14. “Apparently I booked a business trip on a furry flight. I’m the only non-furry.”

How often do you fly? Has anything extraordinary happened to you in an airport or during a flight? Please, share your stories with us!

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