
12 Things That Would Happen If All Money Disappeared From the World

12 Things That Would Happen If All Money Disappeared From the World

Historians believe that metal objects used as money were first implemented in 5,000 B.C.E. From that moment until now, they have been evolving. Humankind created coins, notes, debit and credit cards, and online currency. We live around money and money controls our lives. This means that if all the money in the world suddenly disappeared, we’d have to deal with the consequences almost immediately.

Bright Side has looked at the impact money’s had on society and came up with 12 consequences that would occur if it disappeared.

1. Less marriage breakups

12 Things That Would Happen If All Money Disappeared From the World

survey found that the biggest reason for divorce is money-related issues. If money disappeared, all stress related to money would disappear as well. This would eventually reduce the number of marriage breakups.

2. Less war and more peace

Some of the most famous wars had to do with money control. Countries would want to take control over routes and to achieve that, they’d have to fight each other.
No money would mean no wars related to this subject. We’d never have to see another American revolutionary war again, for example.

3. No homeless people

Some people believe that housing should be a universal right. However, our society is far from making that notion a reality and what we still see is the price of rent increasing and people without money becoming homeless.
If money didn’t exist, nobody would need it to buy or rent houses and they’d eventually become free. Everybody would have a place to live.

4. Reduction of materialism

Many people believe that materialism is the same as the love for money. In this line of thinking, if there was no money in the world, materialism would be over as there wouldn’t be any money left to love.

5. Luxury would stop existing.

Luxury products and activities such as the latest technology or traveling wouldn’t be luxurious anymore as everybody would have more of a chance to acquire stuff. Irrational consumers would cease to exist as well.

6. Uncertain ways of trading goods

The extinction of money would mean the return of direct trade. People would have to trade their goods for other goods in person. However, people would never know what would be fair to trade and for what. This would cause a trading crisis.

7. Online shopping as we know it would be over.

Online shopping is in constant growth. However, the disappearance of money would cause the end of online shopping. It would also be impossible for people to trade goods online.

8. Changes in employment

If money disappeared, we could see 2 possible scenarios in employment. Either people would go to work happy because they wouldn’t have to work so hard for additional hours to get the extra money, or people would just not go to work as they would have no money-related goals so there’d be no point in working.

9. Resources would end faster.

If money was not needed to buy things, they’d disappear faster as everybody would be able to get them easily. Resources would suffer greatly.

10. The world would be less connected.

No money would mean no trading agreements between countries and no global economy. Organizations like the European Union would suffer a lot from this. Countries would possibly tighten their borders and it would be harder for people to travel to other countries.

11. Less of a difference between rich and poor countries

12 Things That Would Happen If All Money Disappeared From the World

If there was no money in the world, these kinds of differences would disappear as well. Countries would be equal in terms of how much they have and perhaps equal in importance.

12. Less corruption and exploitation

The disappearance of money would decrease levels of corruption and worker exploitation. Money wouldn’t be involved in payments anymore and the rich wouldn’t be considered that rich anymore. Workers wouldn’t let themselves be exploited that easily.

This phenomenon would also impact the world of politics. We would stop seeing cases of money laundering.

A lot of things would change if money disappeared and perhaps society isn’t ready for it yet. In your opinion, which one of these consequences would we see first?

Illustrated by Leisan Gabidullina for BrightSide.me

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