

20 Things You Can Do on a Date Without Breaking the Bank


Dates can be exciting, but they can also cost a lot of money. That doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice spending time with your partner in order to lower your expenses. After all, the best dates do not have a price tag. You could both enjoy test driving your shared fantasy car, for example.

Bright Side brings you some suggestions of fun things you can do on dates without having to be a big spender.

1. Test drive your shared fantasy car.

Maybe you both share a dream car and can’t afford it at the moment. You could have a feel by going for a test drive together. At the very least, you’d enjoy the free ride together during that few minutes.

2. Play music for each other.

Say you both enjoy music. Even if you don’t like the same music, you can always introduce your favorites to each other. If you both like playing the guitar or piano and writing your own music, time will definitely pass by pleasantly if you do it together. You could even teach each other how to play a musical instrument.

3. Do some volunteer work together.

If you both love animals, nature or, doing charity, volunteering is something fun and good to do together. You could just suggest to your partner to get involved in volunteer work, if you’re not sure they’d go for it. Volunteering could make you feel good about yourself and see your partner in a positive light too.

4. Window shopping, antiquing, or thrifting

While you may not want to spend too much money, you could always go thrifting or antiquing. It would be interesting to find some unexpected things together. You might discover somethings that are precious only to the 2 of you. If this isn’t for you, you can always do some window shopping at the mall, IKEA, or Tiffany’s.

5. Go for a romantic stargazing session.

This is definitely a romantic activity to do if you know a place where the stars can be seen really well at night. You could have a peaceful talk with your partner under the night sky. It could feel like there was just the 2 of you in the world below the twinkling stars.

6. Hit the gym as first-timers.

Gyms usually have offers for first-timers. You and your partner could go for the trial period for different gyms, together. Not only would this be fun, it could help to keep you healthy too. Just don’t forget to get off the membership before the trial period ends.

7. Cook together at home.

Dinner dates are a given but they can be expensive. Going out to restaurants to eat is the norm, but you could switch it up and cook together at home sometimes. Not only will this reduce costs and be a healthier choice, it will also allow for some quality bonding time.

8. Stay at home for a game night.

Bring the fun indoors and have a game night with your partner. Board games and video games can be something casual and enjoyable to do together. You could always invite friends over for a double date if you’re looking for something less private.

10. Try fruit-picking.

When it’s the season for fruit-picking and the orchard is near, you could bring your date on a fruit-picking adventure. You end up with fresh fruit that’s likely to taste sweeter because you picked it yourself.

11. Treat each other to a home spa.

A couple’s spa is something relaxing to do together, but the price to do it at a spa resort can be anything but relaxing. You can do it yourself at home by applying masks to each other and giving each other a good massage. The touch from your partner would be more meaningful and romantic than from a massage therapist.

12. Play sports like ping pong or bowling.

If you love to move around or prefer something more competitive on a date, you could always choose sports like ping pong or bowling. You could teach or tease each other while playing.

13. Have a potluck dinner as a double date.

Having a pot luck means that you’re going to get something unexpected. It would be a nice surprise to have a variety of food to eat with your partner and friends.

14. Indulge in Insta-worthy moments.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Now that you can take a photo with your phone, all you have to do is find a good spot for a casual photoshoot. You could also get creative and use what you have — working with your partner to get a pretty picture for social media.

15. Get your groove on and dance together.

As long as you have each other and a little music, you can do this anywhere. You can take an actual dance class, or just dance together at home. It doesn’t matter whether or not you know how to dance, the most important thing is to have fun together.

16. Be a tourist couple in your own city.

It’s easy to think that you will visit a hotspot in your city because it’s near you, but sometimes you never get the chance because you keep postponing it. Well, being a tourist in your own city can be a great date idea. There are probably some places that you’re not even aware exist, until you explore them.

17. Go for a hike or on a bike ride.

For couples who love the outdoors, hiking can be a good activity to do on a date. If that is too much, you can always opt for a bike ride instead. You get to enjoy nature and spend some alone time with your partner.

18. Attend festivals, carnivals, or events.

There are all sorts of events throughout the year, and some of them are free to enter or participate in. You could just walk around to see what’s happening without spending a dime.

19. Hang out at the beach.

The beach is a good place to go for a casual date. You could go during the summer and enjoy the sun or you could randomly go any other time just to be alone together.

20. Have a picnic.

Find a park and have a nice little picnic with your date. This has been done for ages and it is still romantic today. Not only will you save some money, you’ll feel less pressure to dress up like you would if you were going to a high-class restaurant. You’ll probably feel more relaxed when talking with your partner too.

Which of these have you tried and which do you want to do again? Can you name any other fun activities to do on a date that would not set you back too much?

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Apple plans to announce a high-end gaming computer at its annual WWDC developers conference in 2020, according to a questionable and as-of-yet unsubstantiated report from Taiwan’s Economic Daily News.

Details are slim, but the report claims that the computer may be a large-screen laptop or all-in-one desktop with a price tag of up to $5,000, suggesting that it could be either a MacBook Pro or an iMac Pro. The computer would supposedly be tailored towards esports, aka competitive video gaming.

While this would surely be great news for gamers, this report has yet to be backed by other sources, and the Economic Daily News has a mixed track record as it relates to Apple rumors. Just a few months ago, for example, the publication incorrectly claimed AirPods Pro would come in as many as eight colors.

Over the years, many gamers have been hopeful that Apple would eventually come around to full-fledged gaming on the Mac.

“I grew up playing games Doom, Quake, and Starcraft on Mac computers most of my life,” esports journalist Rod Breslau told MacRumors. “Throughout that time as a loyal Apple user since a young age, I always hoped they would give even a the fraction of the attention to gaming that my friends got while they played on their PCs. That day never came, and I switched to a PC in my early teens and never looked back. It’s almost 20 years later and Apple has still never cared about the gaming community. They’re going to need more than Apple Arcade to make that happen.”

“So to read that Apple might be developing a gaming-centric Mac on the heels of the popularity of esports is startling and welcome news, if not a bit bewildering,” added Breslau. “I’d love for Apple to make a concerted effort for gaming on a Mac including all of the popular online competitive multiplayer games in esports that are all played on PC. But the skeptical side of me knows it’s going to take a lot more than just Apple building a gaming computer to bring people over. They need the developers and publishers to be thinking of porting to Mac as a priority when they create their games, and winning over the industry will be as or more difficult as winning over consumers.”

WWDC 2020 should take place in June like usual, so we’re just over six months out.

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Look, this is the last post I’m writing in 2019 and I’m tired. But I can’t let the year close without taking stock of how well tech stocks did this year. It was bonkers.

So let’s mark the year’s conclusion with some notes for our future selves. Yes, we know that the Nasdaq has been setting new records and SaaS had a good year. But we need to dig in and get the numbers out so that we can look back and remember.

Let’s cap off this year the way it deserves to be remembered, as a kick-ass trip ’round the sun for your local, public technology company.

Keeping score

We’ll start with the indices that we care about:

  • The tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite rose 35% in 2019
  • The SaaS-heavy Bessemer Cloud Index rose 41% this year

Next, the highest-value U.S.-based technology companies:

  • Microsoft was up around 55% in 2019
  • Apple managed an 86% gain in the year
  • Not be left out, Facebook rose 57%
  • Amazon posted its own gain of 23% in 2019
  • Alphabet managed to grow by 29%, as well

Now let’s turn to some companies that we care about, even if they are smaller than the Big Five:

  • Salesforce? Up 19% this year
  • Adobe was up 46% in 2019, which was astounding
  • Intel picked up 28% in the year, making it no slouch
  • Even Oracle managed to gain 17% in 2019

And so on.

The technology industry’s epic run has been so strong that The Wall Street Journal noted this morning that, powered by tech companies, U.S. stocks “are poised for their best annual performance in six years.” The Journal highlighted the performance of Apple and Microsoft in particular for helping drive the boom. I wonder why.

How long will we live in the neighborhood of Nasdaq 9,000? How long can two tech companies be worth more than $1 trillion at the same time? How long can the biggest tech companies be worth a combined $4.93 trillion (I remember when $3 trillion for the Big Five was news, and I recall when the group reach a collective value of $4 trillion).1

But the worst trade in recent years has been the pessimists’ gambit. No matter what, stocks have kept going up, short-term hiccoughs and other missteps aside.

For nearly everyone, that is. While tech stocks in general did very well, some names that we all know did not. Let’s close on those reminders that a rising tide lifts only most boats.

2019 naughty list

Several of the most lackluster public tech companies were 2019 technology IPOs, interestingly enough. Who didn’t do well? Uber earns a spot on the naughty list for not only being underwater from its IPO price, but also from its final private valuations. And as you guessed, Lyft is down from its IPO price as well, which is not good.

Some 2019 IPOs did well in the middle of the year, but fell a little flat as the year came to a close. Pinterest, Beyond Meat and Zoom meet that criteria, for example. And some SaaS companies struggled, even if we think they will reach $1 billion in revenue in time.

But it was mostly a party. The public markets were good, and tech stocks were great. This helped create another 100+ unicorns in the year.

Such was 2019. On to 2020!

  1. In time, those numbers will look small. But sitting here on December 31, 2019, they appear huge and towering and, it must be said, somewhat perilously stacked.

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20 Cats Who Got Something Special From Nature


Avid cat-lovers know that all these whisker-clad fluffies are beautiful, without any exception. However, even these people sometimes have to admit that there are cats who we look at with a certain awe. All because nature has awarded them with a unique appearance.

Bright Side is sharing the photos of 20 feline representatives with you. Once you see these, you’re going to find it hard to believe that the unique patterns and marks on these cats are not photoshopped.

1. Meet, Scrappy, a cat with vitiligo

2. A cat who doesn’t get enough sleep — ever

3. “Bowie is chunky and he’s got a blep, different colored eyes, and an ink-dipped tail. He’s basically purrfect.”

4. “My cat has lips and it’s freaking me out.”

5. A warrior-cat with a sword pattern on its fur

6. Did you ask for an unnaturally long tail?

7. This adorable cat that was just brought into the shelter has one yellow eye and one Sauron eye.

8. “Stache has been patiently waiting for me.”

9. Curly was found by animal welfare volunteers and he was malnourished, mangy, and had severe ear infections and mites. 6 months later, he’s the biggest cat in the house with the softest fur.

10. “My cat has universes for eyes.”

11. It’s not a squirrel.

12. “My cat has alternating color toe beans.”

13. “My cat has flamingos instead of eyebrows.”

14. “My cat, Alice, has marble fur.”

15. “My friend’s cat has amazing whiskers.”

16. “My friend’s cat has bushy eyebrows.”

17. Olive is a cat with sectoral heterochromia.

18. This is Venus, the 2-faced cat.

19. “This cat has fur eyes above its real eyes.”

20. “My brother’s cat has thumbs.”

Bonus: Have you ever seen a dog with vitiligo? Have a look and try not to melt with awe.

What does your pet look like? Does it have anything unusual in its appearance or in its character? We would be glad to hear from you in the comments!

Preview photo credit shelbygraces / Twitter

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As of iOS 13, apps are no longer able to present an “always allow” option when requesting access to a user’s location. The only way to immediately grant an app continuous access to location is to navigate to Settings > Privacy > Location Services, tap on an app, and select the “always” option if available.

iOS 13 also periodically reminds users about apps that are continuously tracking their location, complete with a map of those locations. An on-screen alert provides users with options to continue to “always allow” ongoing access to their location or to limit access to while the app is being used.

In light of those changes, The Wall Street Journal today reported that some developers are concerned that the location tracking reminders will hurt adoption of their apps, while some iPhone users are said to have expressed frustration that the reminders appear every few days despite repeatedly selecting “always allow.”

Apple responded to the report with a statement insisting that the changes were made to further safeguard user privacy.

“Apple has not built a business model around knowing a customer’s location or the location of their device,” an Apple spokesperson told The Wall Street Journal, adding that Apple builds its hardware and software with privacy in mind.

The amount of location data collected by apps while in the background has dropped by 70 percent since iOS 13 was released, according to Jason Smith, chief business officer of data intelligence company Location Sciences. Given how easily the data can be used to identify and track individuals, that is a promising sign.

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The New Year – and fresh decade – was welcomed in across the world with fireworks, dancing and champagne, but Australia‘s celebrations were overshadowed by deadly wildfires while protests dampened the festive mood in Hong Kong and India.

New Zealanders were among the first to welcome 2020 on Wednesday, with fireworks lighting up the sky over the capital, Auckland.


Large crowds thronged Sydney harbour to watch Australia’s famous New Year’s Eve fireworks, even as smoke from wildfires turned the evening sky in nearby towns blood red.

Many towns along the country’s eastern coast cancelled their fireworks as thousands of people swarmed to beaches to escape the fires.

Hong Kong’s government also cancelled its popular New Year’s Eve fireworks in Victoria Harbour due to security concerns as protesters staged more rallies against what they see as an erosion of democracy in the semi-autonomous Chinese territory. 

People in India also welcomed the New Year with protests, angered by a citizenship law they say will discriminate against Muslims and chip away at the country’s secular constitution.

Australia in flames

Sydney pressed ahead with its fireworks display despite some calls to cancel the celebrations in solidarity with fire-hit areas in New South Wales (NSW), of which Sydney is the capital.

Australia fires

As revellers enjoyed the fireworks in Sydney, other parts of New South Wales were battling wildfires [Saeed Khan/AFP]

Some tourists trapped in Australia’s coastal towns posted images of blood-red, smoke-filled skies on social media, while one beachfront photo showed people lying shoulder-to-shoulder on the sand, some wearing gas masks.

The fires have spread across four states, with fronts stretching hundreds of kilometres in some cases. Wildfires have killed at least 11 people since October and left many towns and rural areas without electricity and mobile coverage.

Protests rage on in India and Hong Kong

In Hong Kong, rocked by months of demonstrations, protesters wore masks to cope with tear gas at a rally called “Don’t forget 2019 – Persist in 2020” on Tuesday evening, according to social media posts.

“My New Year wish is this movement can end soon but not because we lost the fight, [but] because we win the fight,” said Kong, a 40-year-old clerk who joined a small lunchtime protest in the central financial district.

Authorities deployed 6,000 police officers as Chief Executive Carrie Lam appealed for calm and reconciliation in her New Year’s Eve video message.

The protests began in June in response to a now-withdrawn bill that would have allowed suspected criminals to be extradited to mainland China for trial, but demonstrations have since morphed into a broader pro-democracy movement.

India NYE

India has convulsed with protests over a controversial citizenship bill [Amit Dave/Reuters]

India has also been gripped by weeks of protests over legislation introduced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi‘s government to make it easier for non-Muslim minorities in neighbouring Muslim-majority countries, including Pakistan and Bangladesh, to gain Indian citizenship.

Protesters held demonstrations on Tuesday in Mumbai, the financial capital, and other cities including the capital New Delhi, now in the grip of its second-coldest winter in more than a century.

First NYE of Japan’s new era

The mood was calmer in Japan where people flocked to temples and shrines, offering incense and their prayers to celebrate the passion of the year and the first New Year’s of the Reiwa era.

Under Japan’s old-style calendar, linked to emperors’ rules, Reiwa started in May, after Emperor Akihito stepped down and his son, Naruhito, became emperor.

Although Reiwa is entering its second year with 2020, January 1 still marks the era’s first New Year – the most important holiday in Japan.

South Korea NYE

Writing a wish for the New Year on a paper note is a tradition in South Korea [Ahn Young-joon/AP Photo]

“We have a new era, so I am hoping things will be better, although 2019 was also a good year because nothing bad happened,” Masashi Ogami, who ran a sweet rice wine stall at Zojoji Temple in Tokyo, said.

The first year of the new decade will see Tokyo host the 2020 Olympics.

Meanwhile, in South Korea, thousands filled the streets of central Seoul ahead of a traditional bell-tolling ceremony near the capital’s City Hall and hung paper notes with their wishes for the new year outside Buddhist temples.

However, the annual tolling of the “peace bell” at Imjingak, near the border with North Korea was cancelled due to quarantine measures following an outbreak of African swine fever.

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7 Phone Habits That Are Damaging for Any Relationship


The role that smartphones play in our life is huge given that the average person spends over four hours a day on their device. It’s not a surprise that your phone has a huge influence on many aspects of your life and your relationship is no exception.

We at Bright Side understand the importance of phone habits and found some that could be damaging your relationship.

1. Not showing your partner what you’re smiling at

7 Phone Habits That Are Damaging for Any Relationship

It makes people feel awkward and miserable when their partner is present with them physically, but is enjoying something on their smartphone. In addition, your partner might start feeling insecure and jealous if you’re smiling at something on your phone.

However, the situation can be changed easily if you just share what are you laughing at with your partner. A recent study confirmed that couples that laugh together, stay together longer, so don’t be so ignorant and share what you like with your loved one.

2. Always carrying your phone with you

7 Phone Habits That Are Damaging for Any Relationship

We’ve all done it, when leaving a room we take our smartphone with us for absolutely no reason. Sometimes it feels like it’s glued to our hands. This habit has several consequences, the first of which is that your partner might feel like you’re hiding something, resulting in a lack of trust, jealousy, and increased tension between the 2 of you.

Second, if you always have a phone with you, you’re likely to respond to notifications immediately, forgetting about the real world and your partner, who’s physically waiting for you. Instead of spending time with those who matter the most, you’re always distracted — checking what’s happening on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

3. Phubbing

7 Phone Habits That Are Damaging for Any Relationship

Phubbing stands for phone snubbing and it’s the habit of constantly being distracted by your phone during a conversation. Several years ago, it was totally unacceptable and rude, but now it’s so common, people have stopped paying attention to it.

Recent research on the influence of phubbing in a relationship showed that 46.3% of people noted that their partners phubbed them, and 22.6% admitted it caused issues in their relationship.

4. The urge to check all notifications immediately

7 Phone Habits That Are Damaging for Any Relationship

The amount of information available with the help of devices is unlimited, and it seems that if we don’t check right now, we might miss something important.
Try to prioritize notifications, since not all of them need to be checked immediately, and put unimportant notifications on silent mode. We end up giving too much time to these distractions and if you save this time, it can be used to connect with your loved ones.

5. Replying to work-related emails during non-working hours

7 Phone Habits That Are Damaging for Any Relationship

You and your partner are probably both busy and have a very dynamic life. It’s difficult to gauge the importance of a career for some people. While replying to working emails and calls might seem normal to you, your partner might be dissatisfied with it.

Even if your work can’t wait, don’t forget that there’s someone who’s craving your attention. So wait until morning, or even until Monday to reply to work emails, but during the evening and weekends, make sure that you’re together with those who matter to you the most.

6. Checking your phone during dinner

7 Phone Habits That Are Damaging for Any Relationship

In the modern world people are in a constant hurry, so dinner is a rare opportunity to spend some quality time together. It’s important to make sure to stay off of your devices during dinner. It’s ridiculous how people, who are living under one roof, can become total strangers just because of a lack of communication and time spent together.

7. Substituting emojis for tenderness

7 Phone Habits That Are Damaging for Any Relationship

With the influence of smartphones, we start to forget about tenderness, caring, and showing love and support. At first, it’s easier to forward a picture instead of showing it. And then we substitute kisses with tiny emojis.

Psychotherapists are convinced that people create emotional bonds with their devices, which is unhealthy and leads to various problems in relationships. If you want to have a healthy relationship, keep in mind that hugs, kisses, touches, and presents can’t be replaced with digital communication.

Do you have any of these harmful habits? Do you feel like smartphones are affecting your relationship? Let us know what you think in the comments!

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