
35+ Shameless Requests Bright Side Readers Got When They Told Someone About Their Jobs

35+ Shameless Requests Bright Side Readers Got When They Told Someone About Their Jobs

In childhood, we all ask ourselves the question, “What will I be when I grow up?” As we become older, we find the answer but other people still ask us questions about our jobs. And some of them can make us terribly annoyed, leaving us wanting to roll our eyes.

Bright Side readers revealed the ridiculous requests they’ve had to deal with because of their jobs. And we don’t know if we want to laugh about it all or empathize with them.

1. IT specialist

  • When I became a programmer, I started to get all kinds of requests like “Choose a laptop for me,” or “Hack her account,” and stuff like that. And when I started dating my boyfriend who’s an engineer, people always said, “You both know this stuff.” Someone drowned their computer, asked to solder a board, code a website for someone’s school assignment, and make a bomb because “you both know this stuff.“© Aysa
  • “You’re a programmer, right? You should know about electricity. We need to dig a trench for a cable, can you help?” © Stas Pomazan
  • I’ve been asked thousands of times: “Make a website for us. You know this stuff.” Actually, I’m a tester… © Olga Alifanova
  • “My printer doesn’t print well and the Internet lags. Can you come by and have a look?” © Alexander Shultz
  • “Help me choose a good phone.” © Irina Shumovskaya
  • “Can you put the protective glass on my phone? What do you mean you can’t? You’re a computer guy!”

2. Journalist

  • “Write an article about me, you’re a journalist.” © Anastasia Chavez
  • “Why do you write about all this nonsense? Let me tell you about my life — that’s enough for a full book.” © Sholpan Pronina
  • “Give a toast. What do you mean you can’t? You’re a journalist!” © Anna Polyakova
  • “What caption would you put for this Instagram photo? How can you not know? You’re a journalist…”

3. Musician

4. Lawyer

  • “Help me compose a lawsuit, you’re a lawyer. And I need legal advice. Also, I have a friend who is in trouble, can he call you?” © Andrew Moiseev
  • — “Mike and I are getting divorced.”
    — “What?!”
    — “Can we seize all his property? You’re a lawyer, right?” © Katerina
  • I work as a lawyer specializing in corporate conflicts. But people often bother me with questions like, “They are trying to steal my land, can you help?” or “They didn’t fix my car as well as they were supposed to, can you take a look?” and even, “We got played, can we seize this apartment?” But once I had a situation that overshadowed all others. I get a phone call and I hear, “I’m calling from a police station and I have the right to make just 1 call. Help!” I don’t tell my neighbors or other people what I do. © Julia
  • “Your cousin twice removed has a sister whose grandmother wants to call you on Sunday to get legal advice. I’ll get you something for your help.” © kate_koroliova

5. Engineer

  • My grandmother says, “Jane, check why my switch, it doesn’t work,” and “Jane, the pipe in the bathroom is leaking, can you fix it? You’re an engineer after all, what is it that you do you at work?” © Evgenia Kogut
  • I’m an energy consultant but everyone keeps saying, “Check the wiring, there’s something wrong with it.” © Ani4ka Borisova

6. Doctor

  • I don’t want my neighbors to find out I’m actually a GP. They will kill me with their questions. © Ala-La
  • The most memorable one people have asked is “What should I take? Tell me something, you’re the wife of a doctor!” © Julia Solomka
  • — “Doctor, I have a sore throat, can you have a look?”
    — “I’m a proctologist.”
    — “But you’re a doctor.” © Denis Ustimenko
  • “I have something here and it’s itching. Check it, you’re a doctor.” © Ala-La

7. Psychologist

  • “You’re a psychologist. Hear me out and help me.” © aizzapoved
  • “Tell me what he’s thinking about.”
  • “I have so many problems, can you help me sort them out? You’re a shrink!” © Ekaterina
  • “Why can’t you solve your problems? You’re a psychologist!!” © serebro.ukraina
  • “My friend’s daughter’s classmate insulted his teacher. What’s his diagnosis?” © Froid
  • “Why are you nervous? You’re a psychologist.” © Ella Badenko
  • I’m sitting near a fireplace with nice people on a summer evening. The sun is setting and someone is singing. We’re drinking wine and then someone says, “As a psychologist, tell me…” and I think, “Please, don’t!” I want to become invisible.

8. Interpreter

  • “Please translate this for free. You know languages.” © Linda Kayer
  • “Teach my father Spanish, you’re an interpreter.” © Ekaterina
  • “You speak Spanish, translate this text from German!” Thanks to a German-English dictionary and logic, I did. There was no Google Translate at the time. © Baranka
  • “What is this French song about? What do you mean you don’t know? You’re an interpreter!” © Victoriya Kolomiets

Bonus: A little bit of everything

  • “Hire me! You’re a recruiter!” © Oks Kafa
  • “You’re a mother! You should watch your 3 children 24/7, play with them, and raise them the way other people want!” © Nazira Nayman
  • “Come to my birthday party and prepare something for the table! The ingredients are in the fridge. You’re a chef!” © Julia Verbitskya
  • “Give us money for surgery, poor children, animal shelters, and saving the endangered species. You’re a businessman.” © NPh

What question do people ask you when they find out what you do for a living?

Preview photo credit kate_koroliova / Instagram

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