Set to launch on Friday, January 17, 2020, the show will feature eight half hour episodes that each focus on a different story, from a 12-year-old who has to run a Utah motel on his own after his parents are deported back to India to a Nigerian grad student who becomes a cowboy.
Nanjiani and Gordon are best known for “The Big Sick,” and each story in the series they’ve created is based on a real life tale pulled from Epic Magazine.
Lee Eisenberg, known for his work on “The Office,” is writing and executive producing the show alongside Nanjiani and Gordon. “Master of None” co-creator Alan Yang is also an executive producer.
Zachary Quinto, known for “Star Trek,” will star in the fourth episode, and other cast members will include Jearnest Corchado, John Ortiz, Angela Lin, Kai To, Sophia Xu, Shaun Toub, Shila Vosough Ommi, Eshan Inamdar, Priyanka Bose, and Conphidance. Though not launching until January, “Little America” has already been renewed for a second season.
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